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Stats RL

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Hey guys how can you check your stats? Example luck if someone has 6 lk so he very often win in lottery or casino? Crazy...


--- Quote from: Berko on August 16, 2011, 08:20:55 pm ---S4

--- End quote ---
Lie! You do know you have luck 10 !

Héhé I'm not lucky all the times :p
I remember one time I only win 5€ on a scratch game, it was a shame!  >:(

Johnny Nuclear:
S 5
P 5
E 6
C 2
I 8
A 5
L 5

tag: science, repair

traits: good natured, skilled

in my opinion system in Arcanum was better than SPECIAL :)

I have a character made for fun with rl stats,and it s very fun to play..even if pretty useless.

6 str
4 per (can t see shit,too much heavy metal in my ears also.)
4 end (smoke addiction)
9 ch (yes,i am blessed by other sex attention,believe it or not.Also a smooth,fascinating natural leader)
8 int (i am a writer,damn,at least 8 )
6 agi (too much fo on the sofa lately,i used to have a cool body,before discovering this fucking beta :) )
l 2  (not much to say.If i could screw something,that something get screwed.)
small frame,sex appeal.
(a third one should be night person)

Tag speech,barter(i was a real life ensurance agent with great profit),small gun (shot a couple of round,not that bad)


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