Other > Suggestions

More Pip-boy options

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Imho pipboy should serve as FOnline's version of quest tracker, friend/foe list, notepad and other stat/skills/quests stuff manager. Also those maps should be shareable but in a certain way. I think revealing whole map square by square by one scout char and then selling it to the rest has no real need and kills "exploration" part of the game. But imho map sharing should work that you can only share certain coords on your map = f.e. you can show someone where the NCR is and that person wil get revealed only the square with the city, but the path to it or anything else will still be covered with fog.

Also I think that some PvE dungeons should come to us not only like hard-coded instances that are well known and NPC will guide us to them (lets say like with toxic caves or sierra) but there should be some minor yet interesting PvE dungeons across the land, that are not connected to anything. Like animal caves with loot reward in dead bodies or small closed communities of cannibalistic scavengers with their hideouts, "wild" ghoul settlements in ruins of long abandoned cities etc. And THESE locations should be the main map markets commodity, making real scouts and trappers out of current "taxi" chars.


--- Quote from: Sius on July 27, 2010, 11:57:12 am ---Imho pipboy should serve as FOnline's version of quest tracker, friend/foe list, notepad and other stat/skills/quests stuff manager. Also those maps should be shareable but in a certain way. I think revealing whole map square by square by one scout char and then selling it to the rest has no real need and kills "exploration" part of the game. But imho map sharing should work that you can only share certain coords on your map = f.e. you can show someone where the NCR is and that person wil get revealed only the square with the city, but the path to it or anything else will still be covered with fog.

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Like you had some minimap in your Pip-Boy and clicking the location name would spawn some options like, e.g. share with.. (pressing that) enter the name of PipBoy holder. Im affraid its beyond Fonline capabilities (not?)

Anyway, Id like to have such PipBoy like in Fallout 3, namely, youd see stats of items you had:

* weapons
* armors
* ammo
* miscellanous

* damage, range (weapons)
* armor stats (armors)
* place where found, shop (name of the vendor)
* 0% det min and maximum price

This is not Fallout 3 -_-


--- Quote from: runboy93 on July 27, 2010, 12:45:03 pm ---This is not Fallout 3 -_-

--- End quote ---

so? Its better to implement something that is simplier than creating a whole new system for map sharing, also this things would be useful if you would like to stay in game and decide what weapon/armor/ammo to craft without looking at the wiki. Yes, this is far more needed than some map sharing. And yes, this is not fallout 2 dude so really, bugger off


--- Quote from: kraskish on July 27, 2010, 12:38:48 pm ---Like you had some minimap in your Pip-Boy and clicking the location name would spawn some options like, e.g. share with.. (pressing that) enter the name of PipBoy holder. Im affraid its beyond Fonline capabilities (not?)
--- End quote ---

Why minimaps? Simply when you want to share your data (another pipboy / faction terminal), then open such data sharing menu. And through this menu we will be able to choose whenever you want to share locations, or friend/foe list or something else. In case of locations there will be simple list of all circles that you have revealed on your map, sorted by their size/purpose and through simple filter you will find what you need and then highlight it in the list and share. No need for minimaps or fancy stuff like that, when everything can be done via textbox.


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