Other > Suggestions
Idea about slaves
I was thinking, why not let the slaves go gather almost all the resources available? I mean, for example you should be able to send them to gather wood on their own, same for junk, plants ecc.
It could be easy to code it, they should have a timer (like 20-30 mins) while they are out, then they appear back in the location where you sent them out.
Every resource (depending on rareness etc.) should have its table, like this:
The slave has been killed - 5%
The slave was scared and came back without any resource - 10%
The slave decided to run away - 5%
The slave did his job properly - 85%
Or something like that.
What do you guys think? The only thing is that it could make the resources too easy to get... but at least the slaves would be more useful :)
This belongs to suggestions..
But anyway this sounds good, but need something edit.
if i was a slave i would rather run away than pick up some roots, well arming slaves is a diffrent story
Oh yeah lol i thought i was posting there, my fault. Some mod could move it please?
Giving 5 slaves awesome guns and them not revolting immediately is retarded too but we can still do it so... why not. :P
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