Other > Suggestions

Tent upgrade

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Hey! Dont you agree with me that it would be better if you could make your tent ALOT bigger? I mean I agree that havving everything on the ground is cool but not for me realy xD! I want to have more boxes because that makes esier to put stuff! What im triing to say now is making more space realy.... Something like getting 10Woods using science on it and make 1 more crate or something! That would be realy great dont you agree with me?

Item management sux hard in FOnline. When you are loner with a tent its not that bad, but gang hideouts that the real problem.

- no chance to store at least 1/100 of things needed for daily gang activity so everything is lying on the ground
- no chance to protect your stuff or give away things by using members ranks in gang
- no chance to have personal stashes not even for 5 people

Things like this should get some nasty boost since so elemental stuff like gang/item management is the core of good mmo.

I like the idea of being able to craft crates for usage in and around your tent.

As for lockers, perhaps T-Ray at the garage or Smitty in The Den can sell those.

well, the GMs can spawn containers, therefore, we can go from the fact that they are entities, and not props as most of us are led to believe, would be sweet with a few small bookshelves and a desk inside the tent though... would make a wasteland chairless office out of it..

devs have already told us they're not gonna do it, so don't get your hopes up considering this is prolly the 454856986594th attempt.


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