Other > Suggestions

Multi Tasker

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Traint:Multi Tasker
Description: You skiped some classes to learn other think.whit this traint you will get a 4rt tag skill,but you will be able to use any skill properly
Image:BRoF image/Swift Learner image
efect: positive:a 4 tag skills
         negative:-10 to all skills
                      -5 to skill rate

now,befor talking about alting and power building,let's have a look:
1.Combat power build:
you will lose ~105 skill points,that is a lot, so you can specialize harder,especialy the int 4-3 builds
2.Crafting puild:
the max skill number needed for a lvl 3 profesion is 3 (2 for doctor,1 for armorer)so is useless for crafting alts
3.Self-Suficient builds
this is the best traint for first timers and experimental caracters

overall,i do not see any power alting downfalls,best for new comers to experimenst skills, comment if you find something bad about it

--- Quote from: kraskish on July 29, 2010, 04:42:31 pm ---I understood  ;D

LagMaster proposed to implement a trait that gives you 4 tag in return for
-10% to all skills (like GIFTED)
-5 to skill rate each level

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This system what is now is better than yours , i want to have my POWERBUILD :D with 249HP and 200 % Big GUns.


--- Quote from: LagMaster on July 25, 2010, 03:22:35 pm ---the max skill number needed for a lvl 3 profesion is 3 (2 for doctor,1 for armorer)so is useless for crafting alts

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lol wut? there is lvl 3 doctor and lvl 3 armorer. It would be good for making a fighting crafter even more BG+FA+SC+REP plus rest of the points to outdoorsman.

I mean, it would be nice if the penalty (minus skill points) would be enough just to disable a chance of creating a powerbuild and more likely be a trait for starting players or loners. I support it

i was saying about that you need 1 skill for the armorer profesion(repair)and 2 skils for doctor profesion(FA+Doc)

tnx for the suport


--- Quote from: LagMaster on July 27, 2010, 11:04:14 pm ---i was saying about that you need 1 skill for the armorer profesion(repair)and 2 skils for doctor profesion(FA+Doc)

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No no I still dont get it. Why do you need 1 profession point for armorer and 2 skills for doctor profession?

Or you want to say that with this perk you could only have 1 crafting profession and 2 of doctor? So in fact you couldnt be a crafter nor doctor... so why should you take this perk anyway


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