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Fallout Hardcore Style?

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I guess you can say it has been done.

Ned Logan:
Can the games be finished without talking to anyone?


But you can finish it without killing anyone except Frankie :) (Fallout 2).

Talking about hardcore mode for Fallout, I had a mod project - mod almost finished but computer crashed :/ - to make Fallout 2 much harder, because basically when you arrive in New Reno you get your first winchester, and I don't talk about the bozar used to kill Darion, etc, etc. The goal was to increase the survival aspect of the game. I suggest you to have max. 1-2 followers, not to tag Barter and not to farm random encounters (I never did it, never had the idea :D).


--- Quote from: Izual on July 23, 2010, 10:07:36 pm ---But you can finish it without killing anyone except Frankie :)

--- End quote ---

Hey, you can even not kill him yourself (with turrets and/or enclave guards) but sadly I think it's still displayed in your kill count.


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