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Fallout Hardcore Style?
--- Quote from: CrimsonBinome on July 27, 2010, 07:09:39 am ---I accept your challenge! Ill try the Iron Man mode and see how far I get without dieing :) I will fraps too.
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--- Quote from: Badger on July 27, 2010, 12:42:35 pm ---WELL CHECK OUT THE BIG BRASS ONES ON CRIMSON.
--- End quote ---
Now I'm craving a burger, thanks a lot...
;D Well I dont know exactly how far I will go but I will use a standard sniper character build with, get this, CHARISMA! Thats right. I will play a good guy and see just how far I can take it with that build, with all the unexpected pitfalls of unlucky crits, dialogue failures, and random spawns of death. Wish me luck! I will post updates as I upload videos of my adventures. I do not know however if I should put in commentary. I will probably exclude it for now as I simply feel I am not that interesting to listen to :)
So under the guidance of an NMA member, I've trebled the weight of guns, doubled the weight of armour, and reduced the amount of ammo ingame. I'm hoping this'll make for a more interesting playthrough.
I'm also trying to tweak drugs in the way Izual suggested - instant benefit and an instant penalty. So taking jet gives 2AP but makes your armour class rock bottom and damage resistance bad.
I'm thinking of making buffout increase your damage resistance/HP at the cost of action points.
Booze reduces your perception but gives you damage resistance.
Anyone got any other suggestions?
I'm trying to think of a meaningful way to encourage eating food, but I have no idea how.
Well, actually, yes, but it depends if you talk about Fallout 1 or Fallout 2.
I've installed Fallout 2 with rp 1.2 few days ago and there is something that troubles me... I've got 8% in Steal skill (untagged) and I can steal everything. And I mean EVERYTHING. I am spotted maybe 20, 40% of times, which is ridiculous. I stole the 3 bozars from Buster's guards so easily that I turned off the game. Seriously, that's annoying. At NCR I had so much loot that I seriously thought about going straight to Frisco to get caps.
About Fallout 1... I don't know, I played it maybe six months ago. I can't write an accurate comment on it as I could for Fallout 2. I will install it again.
Edit : Honestly, I never used drugs, in Fallout 1 nor in Fallout 2 nor in Tactics. So changing them won't make the game harder (at least for me). About weight... Well, I really don't think it is the way to go, unless armors and pistols were ridiculously light. Reducing starting Carry Weight might be good, however.
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