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Author Topic: FOnline 2238 Newbie Guide by bikkebakke  (Read 23079 times)


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FOnline 2238 Newbie Guide by bikkebakke
« on: January 29, 2010, 01:02:33 pm »

At the bottom i posted another guide on how to do clickable images on the forum ^^


Ill update when I'v played and tested it all :P So I'm 100% sure that the info im writing is correct. For the moment, ask people ingame.
                                             The first steps in FOnline 2238 - a small guide to help you not do die!
                                                                                 at the moment.

The first you need to know is that everyone in Fonline is sadistic and evil, by knowing that you will always be a careful wherever you go, becouse anyone, everywhere can and probably will kill you.

Q: So how do I stay out of sight from these people?
A: Go to a guarded city, people can still kill you there but it is unlikely, they wont win anything on it.

The town I recommend the most for a new player is NCR. You can find practically anything you need to start in there and there are alot of helpful people there... and some scammers.

                                                                 Money, how to get it and where to store it!
The first thing you need is some place to store your future money, so you will need a bank account, but to open one you will need 100 caps. So we will first set off to the brahmins, the two-headed cows.
They are located far to the left when you first enter NCR (they are in big pens), when you get there you will see two NPC, one is called: Brahmin Trader, talk to him and ask for a job, don't forget to ask for a shovel.

Now when you have your shovel look near the brahmins, becouse it's time to shovel brahmincrap. They look like little red, orange puddles on the ground. Just use the shovel on them, there are two ways of doing this.

1. Hold the left mousebutton over a brahmincrap until a sidebar appears, scroll down to the bag and let go of the button to choose it. Now your inventory is shown, click the shovel and your character will move to the crap and shovel it.

2. This is the easier one: Open your inventory with "I", drag the shovel to your hand. Now exit inventory screen. The shovel should now have a little text saying "USE ON",  but if it have SWING or THRUST you will have to change it, do so by right clicking the shovel, this changes the attack mode, change it so you get the text "USE ON". Now when that is corrected left click the shovel on your equipped hand then left click a brahmin crap, this is the more faster way of shoveling brahmincrap.

The brahmin crap that you shovel dissapears but dont worry, the brahmins will generate new. And be sure to check at the wall, becouse some brahmins tend to go there and poop where no one can see it, shoveling brahmin crap is also an easy way of getting xp in the beginning.
One brahmin crap = 10 xp.

When you have shoveled enough go back to the Brahmin Trader and talk to him, say that you have finished cleaning and you will get payed. Make sure you have atleast 100 caps. Now go to the FLC building inside NCR. BUT DONT CARRY WEAPONS WITH YOU! Guards will shoot if you have any weapons equipped in the main hand. The FLC (Friendly Loaning Company) building is located just inside the wall, to the left. Go inside and talk to the midget. Say that you wish to make a new account in your name. Now, whenever you get just a bit of money, put it in the bank by going there, talk to the midget and say that you want to deposit your money, then click the "say" button and enter the sum you wish to deposit.
Now when we have the money issue out of the way we need to focus on your items and how to craft some basic things.

                                                                                                 How to find materials to craft and how to craft!


When you gather something you will notice that if you open your Pipboy ("P") and then press the status button ("P"), you will se a menu with different things, most of them have a "0 second" after them, these are cooldowns and now when you have gathered something the cooldown for "Gathering" should be on. The cooldown is different from item to item.

You can see that something is gatherable if a hand shows up when you hover your mousepointer over it. Here are the requirements to make the basic items
Primative Tool: 1 Flint  - 20% outdoorsman skill - used to chop down trees, breaks after one use.
Hatchet : 1 Junk, 1 Wood - 40% science skill - used to chop down trees, does not break.
Sledgehammer: 1 Junk, 1 Wood - 40% science skill- used to mine ore/minerals


To craft an item press "F", this will open the FixBoy, in here you can see every craftable item you can make. Find the "Primitive tool" and press it. You will see that you need one flint and a workbench, make sure you have picked up some flints. Then make your way to a workbench. In NCR the workbenches can be found to the right, the second building to the wall against the bazaar.

Go over to the workbench and press it, now the Fixboy menu will appear again but it is used with the workbench, so now you can craft the Primitive tool, just select it and press "FIX" and you will have yourself the item, you will also notice that if you open your Pipboy menu again you have a crafting cooldown now. You can add up cooldowns to a total of 20 minutes, wich means, if you craft an item that get 4.5 minutes cooldown, you can craft 5 of those items in total so you get 22.5 minutes cooldown. When you have over 20 minutes you will not be able to craft until it goes below 20 minutes CD. So now go get some wood.

The primitive tool will break after one use but a hatchet (also used to gather wood) never breaks, but you will get enough wood for now, so making a hatchet is not that important.

Instead make a sledgehammer. A sledgehammer is used to mine ore and minerals (and the high quality version of those), those are probably the most important gatherable items you can obtain.

Use the hammer on one of the piles, use it the same way as you used the shovel on the brahmincrap. Ore and minerals also weigh a bit so you cannot mine that much when you dont have a tent but that will be fixed soon. So for the moment make some metal parts, gunpowders or even alloys if you can and sell them to players, or craft things for xp and then sell them to players. Dont forget to put it your money in the bank!

                                                                                                     Making a tent and some tips!

When you got around 1000-2000 caps go to the bazaar (the place where you spawn when entering NCR), stand there and shout (you shout by writing /s before your message) "/s BUYING BRAHMIN HIDES FOR 'X' CAPS - 'NAME'" X is replaced by the amount of money you are willing to pay and 'NAME' is replaced by your name. The price is usually 1000-1500 caps for 10 brahmin hides but some may sell it for more. This may take a while but it is easier than killing brahmins and safer.

When you have the 10 brahmin hides it is time to make a tent so set out to the worldmap again, find a place very close to NCR because the tents cannot be found by anyone else unless you lead them to the tent but I will come to that later.

Find a place close to NCR and enter the area, then open your inventory screen and leftclick the hides so the sidebar menu appears, scroll down to the skilldex (the smiling man) icon and choose "SCIENCE" from the menu that appeared, you will need 20% science to make a tent. Make sure that there are  no gatherable resources on the map becouse if there are you cannot build a tent there, so if you cannot build a tent at that site just go to worldmap and pick a new site.

In your tent you have a box where you can leave items, note that the box does have a maximum weight capacity, it is high but if you store enough items in it, it will be filled. So do not waste the space by filling it with wood/junk/flints, ore and minerals should be remade into gundpowder/metal parts/alloys as soon as possible.

Also if you wish for a leather armor and some experience there is an easy quest in NCR: Talk to the midget in the weapon shop, he got a quest for you (you must have 3 charisma) - Go to the bar that is to the left of the NCR gate. Go inside and talk to the bartender to get the three cigarette packages he wants, return to the midget and give it to him.

                                  WARNING SECTION!!! Read this to be absolutely safe you don't loose anything in vein.

When you have a tent you must be very careful about tent followers, they will tag you and follow you to the tent and there they will kill you and steal everything you got. To prevent something as this from happening ALWAYS check the namelist on the worldmap when leaving a city. There you will see your name and if you see another persons name that shouldnt be there hold down the left mousebutton over their name and choose the icon that have 3 people and an arrow, this will kick them from the party, after that just take another look so there are no other names there then proceed to your tent.

When in NCR there are some rules that must be followed. Do NOT walk with a weapon inside the gates. You can have a weapon equipped outside but if you have one on the inside they will warn you and if you do not take it away the guards WILL shoot you and kill you, another thing is do NOT block doors, if so the you will get a message: "You better move" and if you dont you WILL get shot. Third but not last there is thieving, thieves that are busted when stealing can get shot by anyone, also make sure that you have important items in your hands, becouse thieves cannot steal equipped items.

Even if you are in a guarded city some people do enjoy killing, but it is not that common, just be careful. And if you follow a random person out in the wastes becouse he promised to get you into a gang or something make sure you have nothing equipped, he may be tricking you. Leading you to his friends where they will kill you and steal all your things.

And lastly DO NOT BLOCK THE BARRELS WHEN COLLECTING JUNK!!! It is not that hard to move away a bit from the barrel, allowing others to gather. Also notice that if you block the barrel there is a very high chance of getting bombed and killed for it by random people.

By following these simple things you should be able to make it in the wastes. Good Luck and I hope I see you out there, under friendly terms for your best....


FOnline 2238 Newbie Guide   by bikkebakke
« Last Edit: June 15, 2010, 08:01:34 pm by bikkebakke »
Gussiplurr - active


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Re: FOnline 2238 Newbie Guide by bikkebakke
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2010, 11:28:57 am »

I'm open for comments if you wish for me to add something.


First start off by pressing INSERT HYPERLINK and youll get the url thingie, now write this (use [], im just gonna use {} to avoid making an active url)


 then after that use the INSERT IMAGE  (same here with the {}=[])  

{img}linktoimage{/img} and end with the {/url}

so it will look like


 (but dont use {}, it should be [], i use them so you can see how to do)

//to use a textlink:          {url=linkhere}Write whatever you want here{/url}

textlink is more used to skip the annoying www, or to make a more funny comment... so.. yea..
thats how its done
... and again, [][][][][]
« Last Edit: April 08, 2010, 09:50:52 pm by bikkebakke »
Gussiplurr - active
Re: FOnline 2238 Newbie Guide by bikkebakke
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2010, 11:30:20 pm »

Nice man! but you also can buy the brahmin hides from a trader outside NCR thats where i got mine.. but your Guide helped me get my start into FOnline thanks man! ;D ;D this guide was great anyway thanks again!


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Re: FOnline 2238 Newbie Guide by bikkebakke
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2010, 09:54:18 pm »

technically speaking, this guide is outdated, you should go for wichuras hammer time guide, of the one in events starters guide contest topics, great guides, although this was a great starter guide in season 2.
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Re: FOnline 2238 Newbie Guide by bikkebakke
« Reply #4 on: July 24, 2010, 12:43:45 pm »

If not this tutorial
I wouldnt had started well
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