Other > Suggestions

Armour Reskinning

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I mean, the overall suggestion is here because of the fact that CA Mk2 has a completely original style, so, what about BA, i've been surfing through the NMA forums and found what I see is a suitable replacement.

The Blue combat armour as seen on NMA, and made by Ursa (and i guess x'il too)
would be sweet with some variation, Ive also seen a Leather Mk2 there also, not sure if the Male ones are done though...

Blue isn't really a colour one would associate with military, and BoS is the closest thing aside from the Enclave. The reskin itself is nice, but I just wouldn't like to see all those blue guys running around in TC. Maybe make it something else, like the yellow one that NCR Rangers use?

I agree with Nice_Boat. I believe the blue CA critters were made to replace the ugly NCR policemen critters, not the actual players armor.

How about making it a Vault City colour? It sort of makes sense, since they all walk around in vault suits, so they could have their patrols and caravans wear similarly themed suits of armor. What do you think?

would be quite cool, but still, I've seen that the armour had all the animations, therefor I proposed to have this to add variety to the existing limited amount of variation when it comes to looks without asking for a new armour, but it would be sweet if you'd get a vault city combat armour if you join em, would give some reason to join the faction asides from geting the med module.
 The only two variations are the blue and black one appraised to the Hero sets.

There's this one, but only has a few anims.

Here's what I've found on the LAmk2: (warning, it's hot, a few days old only.):


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