Other > Suggestions
Idea to nerf drugs, anti-powerbuilding
Only one drug in your system at any time. You know it makes sense.
I have one idea. After wipe just dont implement Psycho to game. We would try game without Psychos.
They destroying variable BG builds.
The two problems with drugs currently are:
1. Time they last. This forces fights to be short bursts where everyone is drugged up and do nothing for the rest of the time (Or switch to a fresh set of alts and repeat the process).
2. The effects are way too strong, especially when taken cumulatively. This means that instead of someone having a slight advantage in an area they are supermen compared to the normal person, for those 10 minutes where all action actually takes place.
The solution isn't to punish players by making taking drugs make you useless for massive amounts of time and it isn't about nerfing them to hell to mean they are no use whatsoever.
When the time comes for us to balance drugs I will be pushing for a large simplification of effects (only one time effect), downsides to go with the good for those effects (to make taking a cocktail of them counter productive) and lengthening the time the work for by a lot (as well as their cost).
You will then get people using drugs for much smaller bonuses, generally picking which effect they want and then being able to actually play the game for a significant period of time on the same character without having a legion of alts.
That works. The uptime-downtime system just makes for bad gameplay. Nobody wants to wait fifteen minutes as their character lies sweating in a puddle of their own piss. Even the original games didn't get drugs balanced at all.
Fortunately, Solar understands what is the problem with drugs and has some good ideas how to solve it.
Izual, what I mean is that I'd need to create 10 copies of one powerbuild, because of withdrawal being too long.
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