Other > Suggestions

Items in inventory boosting stats

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Billy Carter:
:) So who's idea is better ? I think populating and score'ing some chicks its good idea, but everything like that allways be ewentually  rutine. Click, click dialog option, i got plus +1. Finding some rare gadegts is allways a challenge, fun, and reward too. I remember my first special encounter - shelter. That was real something.


--- Quote from: Billy Carter on July 20, 2010, 07:07:26 pm ---:) So who's idea is better ? I think populating and score'ing some chicks its good idea, but everything like that allways be ewentually  rutine. Click, click dialog option, i got plus +1. Finding some rare gadegts is allways a challenge, fun, and reward too. I remember my first special encounter - shelter. That was real something.

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Your idea is better. I don't wanna see people going before a war to one place, get their almost free Jet stats for limited time and go to war.


--- Quote from: Haraldx on July 21, 2010, 03:58:57 pm ---Your idea is better. I don't wanna see people going before a war to one place, get their almost free Jet stats for limited time and go to war.

--- End quote ---

 1) devs are making on 3D so some boosting gear in your inventory that anybody else cannot see is against their idea of "recognize your enemy without awaraness"
 2) drugs have to be nerfed, this is one possible way how to replace this

rubber doll - +1 endurance for 1hr in game
shades + 1 CHA perma
condom in item slot + 1 AC
necklace +1 luck or +1 cha
urn +1 sequence (avenge time)
flower in item slot (no weapon)+10 AC
Dog tags +1 EN or ST
clipboard +1 to INT
Cornelius gold watch +1 to sequence or +1CHA
Doctors papers +1 INT
Mr Nixon doll +1 Luck
Gold tooth +1 Cha
Heart pills get back on feet after knocked out
Loaded dice +40% gambling
Talisman +1 Luck
Water Flask +5 to max health
Ranger pin +100 to NCR karma

like that? :D

Why should a condom raise the AC? Why should a dogtag raise END or STR?
Why should a flower raise 10 ac? etc...

I hate the "magical stats raising" like we've seen in Failout 3 on every damn item.
Leave the system as it is, it's good already.


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