Other > Suggestions
PA (yes i know... but)
make them craftable with Armorer[3]
problem is, they will require lots of mats, so many that they will be too worth to wear anyway (unless someone dont care to waste)
mats: 3 oil cans (those which one guy in APA in F2 asks to use on him cuz he couldnt move)
25 HQ alloys, 10 good metal parts, 5 electronic parts (power armor is made with some inside electronic mechanisms), 50 (or 100) MFC (not sure, but i think its operated on them)
requirements: power armor will require skill of repair to be 250%(?)
9/10 ST, and 8 perception for "careful creation of high tech power armor" because it has all those little details which need to be made correct, like helmet, legs, arms, they all in metal, and they gotta move as smooth as possible, otherwise arms/legs/neck start jamming, blind man cant make good armors, thats why i put 8 perc.
dunno what else to add, but in my opinion this is good for creating PA, much stuff to spend to create it. cooldown could be 120 minutes.
I would say you something... it would make you sad - If the abilities would be soo "poor" - like you say 250% repair - we got in game much much player alts who have 300%repair skills - that it says - PA shouldn't be craftable - if we don't get more "intelligence" way to obtain it.
hmmm, need to do 10 quests for BOS and they give u special "book" about PA? xD and reputation need to be +1000 by killing enclaves/other hooligans
Nah, PA shouldn't be craftable. Too powerful and despite its requirements, every PvP player would have to wear one to be effective. Though I miss it, too.
Also, I don't like the fact that every player has a workbench where he can craft all from 10mm pistol to P90/sniper rifles, from flamers to avenger miniguns, from jackets to brotherhood armors.. all sort of ammo and such.
Winston Wolf:
Thank to alts there would be so many PAs in the gamer after a week, you can't even imagine...
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