Other > Suggestions

Strong Back Perk


jonny rust:
Minor request here,

I chose the Strong Back perk recently with my big gunner which gives the bearer an additional 50 pounds of weight capacity.
however the game now measures weight in Kilograms. 50 pounds ends up being about 23 Kg's which is fair enough but the perk is a little misleading
in that respect. Since conversions or rather the need for them may not be imediatley apparent it would be nice if the strong back perk stated its
weight addition in kilograms rather than pounds to make an educated decision easier and quicker.

Im not complaining about my choice, but it is possible i would have chosen differently had it been immediatly apparent what i was getting, plus if the game is going to be in metrics then it should be in metrics, even if it doesn take place in America :-)

P.S. i realise that its the same amount of gain im just saying that could be a little clearer   

Basically you thought the wieght thingy woulda gone up 50 instead of 23 points.

True, true, very misleading, this should be fixed.

jonny rust:

--- Quote from: Michaelh139 on July 19, 2010, 03:47:53 am ---Basically you thought the wieght thingy woulda gone up 50 instead of 23 points.

True, true, very misleading, this should be fixed.

--- End quote ---

yup thats all im getting at :-)

I suggested this like 6 months ago and they said it was fine.


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