Other > Closed suggestions
GM abuse counteraction, GM activity to be made transparent
that's what im talking about, everything is alright as this guy says
gm is checking ur locker, sorry i forgot it's ok he is just RPG
GM is using the same mumble channel with some gang members and obsing a battle at the same time,
oh sorry its only RPG or he just wanna see some action
u know what i wanna do some RPG in modoc, den and other places, i will be a bad player killer, please find me some gm who will give free stuff k?
--- Quote ---shangalaer then what are u gonna say about izual events for NA ?
free stuff free ammo free events ? only for choosen ones while other factions hadnt got a chance to do it ...
also not so long ago i was showing u a screenshoot with a guy ( samurai bbs member ) with a dog's skin from half sack scouting other faction's rush,
nice boat used to play with a gm, he knows how much a gm is able to do, if he says that it means that it takes place ....
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Free stuff yes, like in all events. But we don't keep the stuff at the end.
And maybe if Rogues/BBS/Yuras/etc. would not act like jerks they could participate on more events.
It reminds me the event with Wright family in Sierra. Only TTTLA and VSB were accepted to the event. Why ? Because when GMs trieds to gather people before the event, Rogues and other started to shot at everybody.
Don't be hypocrites : if you act like kids then GMs don't like you and if you are able to feel it then you become paranoid.
"asking to a nice GM to do a training" (nothing prevent you to organize such a thing, but no, you prefer cry "hey they have a close event, GM ABUZE!!1!"
the thing is gms do it only for "friends" if u are not a friend and ask them u will see a middle finger, they help friends, give stuff to friends and nobody can do anything about it,
u know what one of my mates got 3k ammo from a gm, i spoke with lexx and solar and they werent able to say anything about it, he is a gm for free after all, right?
so we have to let them slap people from time to time, kill'em bann 'em nuke'em from time to time, and u know what, some of these gms are players as well, traders, fighters, if i kill him today he will remember my acc tomorrow when i ask him about something, are u really sure hes gonna help me in the same way as if he wasnt a player?
--- Quote from: Crazy on July 19, 2010, 02:14:02 am ---You apparently don't know anything about "roleplaying" (for the NCR military camp),
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I'll repeat what one of my friends said, after another battle with NCR Army out there somewhere:
"OK, that's fine, now I want to role play Enclave patrols, so give me APA mk2 and Vindicator for free :)"
Roleplaying? Fine. But whole crafting system is working well, so why one group of players has to craft all shit for hours and the other gets it for free? Not that I'm bothered by it that much, because well, more loot, the better, but if I was some trader from NCR then I would get seriously pissed off :)
--- Quote ---nothing about "asking to a nice GM to do a training
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First, you must have a GM friend or a GM that once belonged to your faction, because otherwise no one will make any "training event" for you.
--- Quote ---And maybe if Rogues/BBS/Yuras/etc. would not act like jerks they could participate on more events.
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Please don't troll. The thing that those mentioned are "bad PKers" is so bad for you? Is the fact that GMs couldn't handle few PKers at the location the event was taking place making someone "jerk"? Yes, maybe Shangalar and Izual don't like "Rogues/BBS/Yuras", as they were their enemies for the last year.
--- Quote from: Pozzo on July 19, 2010, 02:29:28 am ---Free stuff yes, like in all events. But we don't keep the stuff at the end.
And maybe if Rogues/BBS/Yuras/etc. would not act like jerks they could participate on more events.
It reminds me the event with Wright family in Sierra. Only TTTLA and VSB were accepted to the event. Why ? Because when GMs trieds to gather people before the event, Rogues and other started to shot at everybody.
Don't be hypocrites : if you act like kids then GMs don't like you and if you are able to feel it then you become paranoid.
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u forgot that Izual was a member of NA, free events only for one side are not right, are they ?
"if you act like kids then GMs don't like you" what does it mean ? he only supposed to look at people and do something when they break rules, its nothing about being freinds or like someone or not, dude its a game and he is a gm GAME MASTER, if i go around killing people it doesnt give him a right to kill me or nuke me or spam 300 mutants just b/c in his mind great NCR or Broken hills that is near is so powerful that supposed to send some soldiers to kill me
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