Other > Suggestions
Bonus HtH Damage
Bonus HTH damage perk currently gives the +2 bonus to MAX dmg only, while min damage stays so low that even
with super sledge and full damage build (3x bonus hth, LA) you still sometimes whack for 12-16 only not counting LA bonus.
While i dont think the increase in min dmg should be as high as on max, but having say 3 min dmg 24 max on combat knife sucks
most of time if you're not crit build. Of course it could be a bug only, but some ancient topics made it seem like a feature.
Didnt want to do gravedigging so decided to make new topic instead.
So basically the suggestion is to add atleast a small portion of bonus to min dmg from either melee damage bonus or BhthD perk
to liven up the melee builds a bit more, stinks a damn lot to have frail glass cannon that whacks someone for 12 dmg even when you have
built the char purely to deal heavy raw damage.
PS* Even if the min dmg would get boost from that perk its not like the melee char could still be as devastating as jetheaded 2x brd p90 burster
doing 4 bursts a turn for example. At most it would make going for pure dmg worth it, the high max damage rarely occurs, usually for me atleast
the damage is low/mid.
Shameless bump or something :o
Yup. Fellow HtHers need a bit of a boost.
+1 the fukkkk
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