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Author Topic: Alternative of current TC  (Read 5076 times)


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Alternative of current TC
« on: July 15, 2010, 03:37:30 pm »

 at first, i have to tell, that i know, that suggestions are almost absolutely useless, because nobody from devs want implement it. It is not a flame, but statement of fact. But i believe, that some changes of existing features are possible.

 As i said before, from my point of view TC  is  kind of beacon. If you are capturing the city, it means: "Hello enemy, we are here, we want to fight". In this era is this more truth, because you have to stay in capture area in the city. Nobody believes now, that this TC with militia helps bring some kind of peace to northern cities.

 Problem is, that this kind of TC is better for bigger factions. Actually, it is good only for bigger factions. If you play in small team (5 players) and you want to capture the city, you have to stay in some area and wait. 25 minutes is long enough to enemy team regrouping and you wait for deadly wave of enemy players.. I dont think that setting different cooldown time will solute THIS problem, because on one side you will have time to make this big regroup, on second side, you will have not enough time to make any counter action.

 So i am suggesting:

 Make an alternative for this current TC system.. I like the progress you made, so there is no need to erase it at all. There can exist different "team PvP beacon minigames" at one time.

 I dont know exactly what kind of TPvPbeacon you should implement, but i can imagine 2 basic ways of aproach:

 1) "Elimination" of bigger gangs from small team PvP (by information embargo)

 There will not be public beacon, like now is, but you will get info about enemy achieving the objectives (capturing or whatever) by radio or by direct screen info (only to specific gang). So only previous possesor of objectives will see, which team is trying to taking it and this will be kind of 1vs1 team PvP action. Different from current state is, that you would not start a beacon, that will attract 20+ players gangs, but you will be able to manage private fight.. if enemy (actualy taking objectives) will be stronger than you, you will have no obligation to join the battle. But if you will see, that small, unknown gang is trying to capture the objectives, you would be able to fight them, with no fear that 20+ player gang is waiting over the map.

 2) David(s) and Goliath

 Currently, TC is battle for some territory (city + resources) among two or more factions. Bigger factions is more likely winning. So lets make special type of TC: Big factions will have periodicaly (every day), repeatedly "capturing" the objectives, because they will lose it benefit after one day. If they will succed, they will get their reward and capturing(achieving obj.) will be avaible next day. The role for small gangs will be not in capture of the same objectives, but to prevent the bigger team of capture his objectives. So big team 20+ will try to achieve his objetives, but if that team fail because small gang will prevent it, smal gang will get reward instead of bigger gang (not the same, lower, but stil atractive reward). It is neccesary, that big team will have to do some chain of multiple actions, unsucces in one is absolut fail. Actions on different place in different cities.

 I know that what i described is abstract, so i will try to write down examples, but feel free and post better ones, using the same logic and system.:

 I.e.: "New Reno drug dealership"

 Bros Gang needs to invest at least 15k (30?,50?100?) caps to start this kind game. The result is, that if they succed, they will earn many drugs, booze, whores whatever.. . At first, they have to kill all dealers on streets. If they will fail in this sub objective, they will fail in all objective. Dealers, after killing of first, will have their own cooldown, then they will left the city. So if Bros wants to achieve objectives, they have to split themselfs on the streets (opprotunity for other gangs).

 Then, they have to find in the city stranger - drug dealer - and protect him. This new drug dealer will have to go to major bars in the city, persuading the owners for new source of drugs. He will be kind of NPC guard with the same possibility of remoting as a slave. (so big gang will need player with charisma => -1 pure pvp char in big team). Enemy team should attack NPC, or player with charisma. If Bros will have only one charisma player, and he will die, this will lower their odds.

 Next step is... i dont know, if i need to continue.. There should be a part, that you have to bring one random special thing in some time to some place (condoms, cats pawn, ....) - you will know, that you can buy it in 3 shops in the wasteland, so you can guard every, or risk and guard only one,..., you will have to defend 2 objectives in one time in two different cities, .... .

 So, what do you think?
« Last Edit: July 17, 2010, 10:24:01 pm by Lordus »
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Re: Alternative for current TC
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2010, 05:49:24 pm »

I think the answer to an alternative PvP is NPC factions and a different system. TC could remain for the organised gangs and be cutthroat and the alternative system for smaller gangs, loners, new players (and even some of the gangs if they want).

Hopefully some kind of demonstration version of it will be ready before *too* long  8)
Quote from: Woodrow Wilson
If you want to make enemies, try to change something.


  • Tim Tom & Ted Lawyer Agency
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Re: Alternative for current TC
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2010, 05:54:46 pm »

I think the answer to an alternative PvP is NPC factions and a different system.


Hopefully some kind of demonstration version of it will be ready before *too* long

+100 :D



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Re: Alternative for current TC
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2010, 11:54:28 pm »

Smaller gangs do need to be able to actually be a gang...
Whenever I say something, imagine \"In my opinion"/ being in the front of every sentence.


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Re: Alternative for current TC
« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2010, 12:30:05 am »

Be realistic. This project will not attract much more new players.. Fallout is old game .. so priority is to hold current players.

 Current TC Beacon disable low equip, hit and run, tactics.. Tell me, how 5-7 player big faction can resist rush of 10+ enemy with drugs.. Current TC reduce tactic variability to value zero..

 Give us more entertaiment opportunities in gang vs gang PvP actions..

 Now, 5 vsb players tried to engage cca 12 enemy in Klamath, we could not kill them all, but if there will be any oportunity, secondary objectives...
« Last Edit: July 16, 2010, 12:35:05 am by Lordus »
So long and THANKS for all the fish!
Re: Alternative for current TC
« Reply #5 on: July 16, 2010, 01:06:37 am »

What's the advantage to having TC based in towns? As opposed to separate locations by the towns.


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Re: Alternative for current TC
« Reply #6 on: July 16, 2010, 01:02:43 pm »

I think the answer to an alternative PvP is NPC factions and a different system. TC could remain for the organised gangs and be cutthroat and the alternative system for smaller gangs, loners, new players (and even some of the gangs if they want).

Hopefully some kind of demonstration version of it will be ready before *too* long  8)

These will be outside of towns, in self contained areas. (They have to be self contained areas because they would be using free equipment).
Quote from: Woodrow Wilson
If you want to make enemies, try to change something.
Re: Alternative for current TC
« Reply #7 on: July 16, 2010, 03:54:25 pm »

These will be outside of towns, in self contained areas. (They have to be self contained areas because they would be using free equipment).

I don't know all the details of this alternative system to TC, but I know from previous games that no penalty on death (in FOnline the penalty is dropping all your items) gets boring. As a solo player I would prefer using my own equipment for PvP (really its pretty easy to equip yourself).


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Re: Alternative for current TC
« Reply #8 on: July 16, 2010, 06:09:14 pm »

There would be factional penalties for failure. But anyway, might aswell wait til its ready.
Quote from: Woodrow Wilson
If you want to make enemies, try to change something.


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Re: Alternative for current TC
« Reply #9 on: July 16, 2010, 07:12:13 pm »

There would be factional penalties for failure. But anyway, might aswell wait til its ready.

 So there will exist special "arenas" for team PvP? do you realize, that we like the possibility to fight in cities, where are civilists, risk of own stuff adds adrenaline to the fight, ... i dont think that many players will like "syntetic, free equipment arenas" => this is not fallout

 I know that devs dont want to create pure pvp server, but i think, if they wil spend some time in teams during pvp, on their voice channels, like observers, they will make feauteres more for them, not against them.. look how many players now playing fonline are pvp players.. i think this is core of the sever..
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Re: Alternative for current TC
« Reply #10 on: July 16, 2010, 07:35:13 pm »

But anyway, might aswell wait til its ready.
Quote from: Woodrow Wilson
If you want to make enemies, try to change something.


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Re: Alternative for current TC
« Reply #11 on: July 17, 2010, 02:26:03 am »

look how many players now playing fonline are pvp players.. i think this is core of the sever..

Yes because we have not much other oportunities. I think that players play the game with what developers give them.
They gave us full loot and TC so we play PvP... With other solutions we would play other way.


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Re: Alternative for current TC
« Reply #12 on: July 17, 2010, 01:32:16 pm »

Yes because we have not much other oportunities. I think that players play the game with what developers give them.
They gave us full loot and TC so we play PvP... With other solutions we would play other way.

 or another game..
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Re: Alternative for current TC
« Reply #13 on: July 17, 2010, 06:18:44 pm »

At this moment we have only 4-5 players on mumble.. We want to engage enemy, but we cant capture the city (too many militia, too many enemies).

 Lets make this beacon: it will take 5 finutes from start to end.

 In big city, like Klamath, you will have to escort one npc from one side of the city to another..

 1) You will speak to npc... he will have predefined patch ways, but you will always have possibility to choose at least 2 of them. He will not run to the end of city at one time, but he will stop in some places (house, streets) and wait for your next instructions. There can be cca 3-5 wait points.

 2) If he die, you loose, if he survive and leave the city, you win and you will be awarded with some minor stuff.

 This is kind of beacon, different than TC, for another purpose: few players wants to engage few enemy, not 15+ fulll stuff druged hugarians barbarians.
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Re: Alternative for current TC
« Reply #14 on: July 17, 2010, 06:48:15 pm »

current TC system was created veery correctly and Lordus you play at CBT to test it and your team say it's good system so wtf you talking about?

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