Other > Suggestions
Minor (and major?) suggestions pack
Hello. In this thread I just want to present a pack of suggestions, from which I think the general atmosphere could benefit from.
1. Bring back the "Player XY was critically hit for ABC hit points, he admires the view, while his head cuts from his body but he is admiring the view in his last seconds." or "You have been hit for XY points, that scars for sure make some issues at the next party" etc. Ofcourse, shortening them down is a lot more viewable, but imo these verbose messages should be turned off/on.
2. Loopable music. Personally, it annoys me, that when a track (.acm) ends, it takes ~3-4 minutes to start the new track again. Atleast lower the cooldown, or let the players decide when the new track starts in the config file.
3. Outdoorsman. Nerf it. Seriously. Players are wiith their "Taxi" powerbuilds much too fast. Nerf it dramatically, make the trains actually worth their money.
4. Let the NPC enemies make some "brief" messages in yellow text, to make them less like cannon fodder and "easy loot" then more like actually beings in the fallout world.. Like in FO1/2:
"Outch, that split my spine"
"Shit *yolks*, that for sure popped my goddamn lung"
Or some invented stuff like:
"You for sure sold my kidney with that shot, but I will avenge me!"
"Shot missed? Loser."
"Holy dang, that fuck hit my eye! I cant see!
"That moron broke my leg! Hit him"
And so on..
1. Yes... Please... It was very interesting and sometimes funny to see how it would've played out in the real world seeing it happen in your mind, good RP btw.
2. can't comment don't got music.
3. It is kinda funny how a outdoorsman powerbuild can go faster than a car but still, don't nerf it too much but it does need a nerf.
4. Look back on reply: No. 1.
I agree with all but number 3. Don't assume everyone has an array of powerbuilds/alts at their disposal and please don't "balance" powerbuilds so that you have to have powerbuilds to play. As for number 4: it is implemented -- NPCs do make comments like that. I just wish they did it more often. Often, fights among over 20 NPCs finish without a single comment out of one of them.
--- Quote from: Surf Solar on July 15, 2010, 07:02:06 am ---3. Outdoorsman. Nerf it. Seriously. Players are wiith their "Taxi" powerbuilds much too fast. Nerf it dramatically, make the trains actually worth their money.
--- End quote ---
This problem is caused by alts and can be fixed by fixing alts. Nobody would put over 200 points in ot if he had only single char to play with.
People don't understand that without Inter-alt-relationships this game would eventually turn into Runescape...
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