Yeah, this used to bother me, but it's an MMO. Most people are in for the xp and the wasteland is harsh.
"Avoid pop-culture references."So you want dialog that is nothing like the original fallout text? That game was one big pop culture reference, pretty much every character name/dialog/item description/special encounter was a reference to a movie, game or event.
Which was a main point of criticism at Fallout 2. from who? It already had a bunch, the entire game is just a hodgepodge of references to other things. I think it was one of it's strongest points.
And by often criticized you mean no one? I can't find anything but praise for them and not a single reviewer had that as a negative. I'm really starting to think you're just trolling me, if you're going to make broad statements back them up with facts.
How about you simply follow the devs suggestion? The point is to find people who can write quests with interesting plot and who have good writing style, not to find people who need to show the world how smart and funny they think they are. And putting some pop-culture references is a just a cheap way to pretend to be smarter than in reality (and give the player an illusion that he is smart too, because he understood writer's very smart reference to Star Wars and Godzilla).
Fallout 2 has overdone pop-culture reference and everyone agrees on that. If you don't, then you know nothing about the community.
Thats the best bullshit I've read in weeks.
As for the "community" who cares what some of the fanbase (people on NMA?) thinks, they didn't make the game and probably don't know enough to appreciate the references.