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Author Topic: Merchant guilds  (Read 2081 times)

Merchant guilds
« on: July 11, 2010, 07:39:38 pm »

I was thinking about it, because it really fits fallout environment- in hub you have 3 merchant guilds, that have really big power in this city.

Why should it be done?

- It would make better roleplay- caravans that are "window for world" and they are integral part of fallout world
- Make new experience with PvP fights- gangs attacking caravans for money, weapons, medicines and as in first point this would make post apo world "more fallout"
- Crafters role isn't big at this moment- this would make them interesting to play
- New players will have better chance to get some items and caps
But for this, there should be changes in crafting system
Schems, patterns and recipes
It is used in some mmo to limit acces for better grade items from crafting. We don't want to see after 2 weeks- "WTS power armor mkII" or "WTS gauss rifle" from crafters. They are rare items and they are not for everyone. How to get them?
- Guild reputation in town (about this later)
- From some places (mariposa, glow, sierra maybe?)
- From quests (for example someone will find map for laboratory- that will have recipe and some good stuff, more PvE and role play, who didn't liked exploring one of fallout's military complex?)*

It is to limit alts- if you want play merchant, you need to give it more time
Guild limits
This is merchant guild, so there are should be some limits
-First and the biggest- they can't control towns
-To best efficiency you need to focus on relations with only one town (VC,hub,NCR, maybe SF)

As merchant guild it would be recommended to have good relationship with one of towns (VC,hub, NCR) because you will have limited amount of making caravans per day.
-Trade posts
-privileges in towns
-acces to schems etc

Trade posts
As title says, something like gang base, but smaller, can be seen by players and with other role- there caravans from cities will stop, to ressuply and sell some stuff. Also there will be some shops with guild's npc and places for players (there will be other room, so no one will steal you while selling, trade range need to be increased) that will have willing to sell some personally. They will be close to one town, and you need to have enough reputation

Art of smooth talk
To gain reputation in town you need to transport their things (it can be everything, but always in heavy box, so you need to have wagon). You can choose between 100 lbs, 500 lbs, 1000,5000 lbs. With bigger ones you are going slower and encounters will be harder and will happen more often.

P.S Players gangs can get your wagon and after opening box, there should be items equal to value or weight of it
P.S 2 If you lose it you need to pay town for it and recompansation 2 or 3 bigger than value of it + decreased reputation

Do you remember who ruled hub? Yes, guilds. If more you are doing for city, you more gain reputation and.. power. You can get monopol in that way. There will be other guilds, that will want it as much as you because they will have some benefits:
-rare schems
-town protection
-better contracts
-more money

In center of town where you are signing your guild, you can ask who actually have the biggest procent of city power. Of course in percents

Sometimes will appear a base or more that will need to be destroyed, because attacks can seriously be dangerous for your buiseness. And player gangs don't sleep too. If they have good reputation with them, they can receive informations about where is your caravan, how big is it etc.  So better find someone to guard your caravans. In other word- if that base will appear it will result in increased numbers of attacks on your caravans, number of raiders rellies on size of base

ad. 1
About quests for schemes- I was thinking about map as droppable item, that will have really low chance to drop. How quest like this should work- guild or group of people are going down to special location (that can be found by map) guarded by mutants/robots/any other critters, after killing 90% of guards, there should be timer to self destruct or collapse this location, so it will prevent trashing map by used location or "recycling" to get same schems by selling map more than one time. About rare percentage- I think it should be one per week

If you ended, write what you think about that idea
« Last Edit: July 12, 2010, 12:21:38 pm by Hydro »
Polskie Pustkowia


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Re: Merchant guilds
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2010, 01:38:10 am »

Could you please try to write your suggestion with more clarity?
It seems adequate for the game, I'm not sure, but I guess devs already thought of this.
Didn't, got killed.
Re: Merchant guilds
« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2010, 08:42:26 am »

Could you please try to write your suggestion with more clarity?
It seems adequate for the game, I'm not sure, but I guess devs already thought of this.
At morning my abilities to find some mistakes are better, post fixed
Polskie Pustkowia


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Re: Merchant guilds
« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2010, 08:48:10 am »

Idea is great but it's too much work and changes to see it in actual (Beta) game.
Maybe or if the game would leave beta somewhen it may be done.

Anyway, I like it.
There is nothing as demotivating as the Game Masters

Re: Merchant guilds
« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2010, 09:50:02 am »

Idea is great but it's too much work and changes to see it in actual (Beta) game.
Maybe or if the game would leave beta somewhen it may be done.

Anyway, I like it.
Maybe one of devs will say something about this? The whole idea was to modify gang system , because it is easier to modify, than doing all from basics
Polskie Pustkowia


  • The GM-eater
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Re: Merchant guilds
« Reply #5 on: July 13, 2010, 09:56:11 am »

Devs usually dont reply any topic in suggestion board so I think in this one wont be exception from this rule.
There is nothing as demotivating as the Game Masters

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