Other > Suggestions

Suggestions u may hav already been told.

(1/3) > >>

1. Make Brahmin pen lockable.

2. Fix Mercs/slaves. There're 80% of time in state "They seem to be busy.Try again later". (took me 2 hrs, just to position them outside the gates)

3. Make caravan so you can put a lock on it. Caravan dealer should be able to sell u a replacement key for Caravan. 2000 caps maybe.

1. Yeah its kinda annoying... Brahmin rams you, rocket merc goes "HEY! *BOOM*"  All other mercs go berserk.

2.  Absolutely this is pretty much a fact, they do seem busy almost all the time..

3. ... I don't get this one.  They come locked, thats why he gives you a key, but yeah you should be able to buy a replacement from him, make things ALOT easier.


--- Quote from: Michaelh139 on July 13, 2010, 04:43:34 am ---3. ... I don't get this one.  They come locked, thats why he gives you a key, but yeah you should be able to buy a replacement from him, make things ALOT easier.

--- End quote ---

Yeah but some fool is running around with my Caravan key, which is totally useless to Him.

Offered 500 caps for person who docs me.........BLAM im dead. NCR guards are bloody useless. Actually i dont know if the NCR guards got him or not. :P
But now i hav a caravan with 300+ of all ammot types. (except 7.62mm) And i cant open it, and i dont waste my time with Theiving Alts.


--- Quote from: Ox-Skull on July 13, 2010, 08:34:54 am ---(...) And i cant open it, and i dont waste my time with Theiving Alts.

--- End quote ---

Then hire someone who already trained his lockpick skill... solution is already in game ::)

Thats alright wipe, they would probably try to screw me anyway. :P
i can spare a few points in lockpick, is 100 sufficent to attepmt lockpicking a caravan


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