Other > Suggestions

Reballance armor crafting

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All the armor upgrades are on the same level of profession

- Leather armor - Leather armor MK2
- Metall - Metall MK2

and so on -

noone uses nongraded armors. but what if we will rebalance them so the upgraded armor will be one profession level more then non-graded?

I think it's a good idea, even though I don't really care if an armor is upgraded or not.
Atleast you gotta spend more time for it searching for the ressources/crafting it.

so we'd need a level 4 to craft an upgraded CA ?
atm i see that we're able to craft leather at lvl 1, metal at lvl2 and advanced armors at lvl 3. it seems balanced to me.


--- Quote from: Surf Solar on July 08, 2010, 03:46:16 pm ---I think it's a good idea, even though I don't really care if an armor is upgraded or not.
Atleast you gotta spend more time for it searching for the ressources/crafting it.

--- End quote ---

Thats bad, because it has different stats, other resistance and AC...

I cant agree with you STONEBALLS. What both of you are suggesting is to make armors even more ridiculously unavailable.

Armors should be reworked. I agree just up to that point. LA and LAmk2 are a waste of time to craft... they wont protect you from marauders or any humanoids or PKrs and yet you have to fight 6 golden geckos which are 12 when you think of HP increase (46-104?) Youll spend a mass of bullets for useless armor

Lvl2 armorer - 1 visit to the unguarded mine - 5 GMPs - 1 MAmk2 -20 min cooldown and even if youre killed once or 2 youre more better off than trying to do the tiresome LA quest...

All in all, encounters were strenghtened, low tier armors made unavailable, the same for MA which is not some end-game armor to be fully crafted from Hq Iron, LA ineffectivess (due to badass enc crits) and decreased significantly the armor weilding by players

Why do you want to fuck it up even more? Pre-wipe you could at least shot somebody for his armor in the wastes, now its all bluesuit party

Speaking of which, why was the armor loot removed? It's absurdly annoying to come across raiders vs militia, watch them kill each other, and get nothing but guns that are about to break and no ammo.



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