Other > Off-topic discussions

What is you operating system?

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Windows Vista my ass. Windows XP and Windows 2000 are the best, haven't tried Windows 7 tho. Windows Vista is so much of a bull crap - It crashes FOnline more then Windows 95, it takes 5 minutes for the computer start, even if you have the top-notch video card and other shit, It has EXTREMELY MUCH crashes, freezes and other shit just for no reason.

Oh, I also have Macintosh, but It has some problems with most games, so I preffer Windows.


--- Quote from: Dark Angel on July 12, 2010, 11:45:02 am ---Windows XP forever
--- End quote ---

Forever is rather long time you know. Sooner or later you're going to run out of RAM.

Xp here too, btw.

Added Linux (as it isnt just "others" ) to the poll. ;)


--- Quote from: Surf Solar on July 12, 2010, 05:13:16 pm ---Added Linux (as it isnt just "others" ) to the poll. ;)

--- End quote ---
It is - as "Something else..?" and I have voted...
Anyway it's Arch linux for me.

I have every common operating system.


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