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What is you operating system?

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I'm not telling, guess.

Seriously take a wild guess what I'm running...

Edit: Hmm, actually it seems that the window manager I'm using works on overlays, therefore leaves me a bit naked on that screenshot...


--- Quote from: Jeoshua on July 08, 2010, 04:23:12 am ---

I'm not telling, guess.

Seriously take a wild guess what I'm running...

--- End quote ---

Is it super duper secret government program!?

Hmmmmmnope.  I'll give you a hint.  It's free but the kernel isn't

Quentin Lang:
I have Win7 and XP on another comp. Ironically, it never had crashed for me on Win7 while on XP it does rarely.

Dark Angel:
Windows XP forever , Vista is sux . Have too much lag :)


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