Other > Suggestions
Base Garrison
Was thinking maybe about a possibility of being able to add Mercs and Slaves to a Base Garrison Pool, especially for big bases like the outpost
The Pool:
When you have a Slave or a Merc, you can contribute them to the pool using the computer in your base, they will become "Guards" and can be assigned positions from the computer inside the base by a high ranking member.
there will be two pools, the Main and the Reserve, maybe a base can have 10 Guards actually guarding, and 20 Guards in reserve, so if one dies another will respawn shortly.
I dont know if this would be possible, but if the gang leader/high ranking member, accesses the computer, they can choose positions, maybe if a map of the base appears, then you would be able to set an area where the Guards Patrol or just stand and watch.
Setting Guards Equipment
Another Pool, adding Armors and Weapons to an equipment pool allows you to easily adjust your guards equipment, they will keep they're original stats ofcourse and if theres a weapon and ammo in the pool that they are good with, they will use that instead.
One may create rules of conduct within their base, like a No Stealing rule, anyone caught stealing will be shot, anyone PVPing will be shot, this can allow Towns that have recently started up to allow guards to actually do their job :D
Excuse me if this makes no sense, i typed it up roughly and quickly as im prone to forget what im actually typing.
And it prevents the awfull bug where all mercs go beserk on eachother.
A yes from me.
This is an absolutely "NEEDED" feature ingame!
The following fixes would include:
1. no more berserk mercs.
2. no more "burst/hey you tried to kill me!" incidients.
1. New Towns controlled by players.
2. New RolePlay possibilities.
3. Give Raiders another way to pvp.
Anyways it would fix alot of problems and it would bring it alot of awesome new play styles.
Yup. Totally. Do this or I will go all Tommy Lau on your asses.
I'd like to hear more opinions on this, it wouldnt be a bad idea tbh
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