Other > Closed suggestions
New "KILL" displays.
What about add to "KILL" page on character screen names of players who you killed and how many times? LIke:
Megarus 1
Shtea 4
Lil Jesus:
i like idea
Why not encourage PKs?
Not as if they spoilt the game already.
Quentin Lang:
--- Quote from: M.D.Master on July 02, 2010, 07:55:48 pm ---Sure.
Why not encourage PKs?
Not as if they spoilt the game already.
--- End quote ---
Yes, this will indeed encourage PKs... IN DEED. I mean like really INDEED. True, no sarcasm here, trust me. Not lying, this will really encourage alot alot alot more PK. Im sure of that. Its obvious...
Well, Quentin,
so you want to say that a kill-o-meter would actually, really, undoubtedly and positively encourage PKing ?!?
I can hardly believe anyone actually got that after all :)
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