Other > Closed suggestions
Getting Robot Mercs ( Yes Again :P )
--- Quote from: Surf Solar on July 09, 2010, 01:21:28 am ---Navarro had no robots else then this stupid Robodog. Only turrets. Same goes for the oil rig. The robot in Klamath is from the crashed Enclave Vertibird. The robot in Gecko is also only one, a maintenance bot which has been partially rebuilt by the ghouls. No Possibility to do that as a human, since the reactor is radiated. SF, NCR, VC etc... these are all higly advanced communities, not just some wasteland spawn like us.
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Wow, so you see ghouls were able to do it, they were not chosen ones. There are broken down robots in mines. I forgot turrets, thanks! Even more parts to build or repair a robot. Oh a Vertibird crashed? So what? Robot was there, functioning, there could be more robots, robot parts, vertibirds or whatever lying everywhere due to great war.
2 robots in NCR, 1 in doctors office and 1 in some generator room where somebody was suicidal.
Youre implying ghouls are more talented than humans? Highly advanced communities? Wow, that sounds familiar! Average wastelanders are in fact living in advanced communities : SF, NCR, Enclave etc. Obviously, if we could we would live so close wed learn from them.
--- Quote from: Surf Solar on July 09, 2010, 01:21:28 am ---Because he was the chosen one.
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We are chosen ones to test the beta!
--- Quote from: Surf Solar on July 09, 2010, 01:21:28 am ---But there aren't. Only game where you can encounter loads of Robots in the wastes is Crapout 3.
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I selfdenied my idea to encounter robots
--- Quote from: Surf Solar on July 09, 2010, 01:21:28 am ---Most of the BoS Guards had Gatling Lasers on them. So did the Enclave troops on the oil rig.
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I dont know for sure, if any, those werent as much as plasma riffles and some other EWs, but ok, lets say youre right...
--- Quote from: Surf Solar on July 09, 2010, 01:21:28 am ---All the other stuff you wrote makes it even more obvious that this idea is not really fleshed out and will look ridicolous and not fallouty ingame.
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I described it as I would see it FIT to the Fallout 2
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Id simply buy them from some robo maniacs npcs who gathered them and are selling to average wastelanders.
However the choice should be limited,
eyebot, robodog, mr Handy and the ones that were weilding a weapon in Sierra (small guns only!)
Or even without the last one, its not about making an army, that way, there would be HtH robots, based on your INT but different to what other have said:
1) min 6 INT and 1 robot takes 2 INT and 2CHA so it wouldnt make any army chill down; OR
2) min 6 INT and 1 robot takes 2 INT
of course there should be a level of science to use (maybe - creation of your robot in Fonline?) mr Handy, 60%, Eyebot 80%, robodog - 120%. One more thing - science would improve dmg? OR they could be crafted... whatever... based on percentage above and MP, EP and maybe some MFC or w/e
Robots would be good for hunting purposes >> As they're metal they would be a bit resistant to bullets, main weakness being EW
Fuel? I guess not, while they're not weilding any weapon, there shouldnt be any fuel req.
As for TC use, they would encourage EW usage, but for that we would need some better EW availability ...
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I agree, its nothing written in a firm mood, I could narrow it even more, just Id like some responses to it. Mainly, I referred to making it in small numbers so one wouldnt make an army together with mercs. I restricted them to HtH robots. I suggested that they could have some higher normal resistance and energy weakness. its not nothing
Ok I get that, where are you going with this "It couldnt be done by humans" restricting it all to military and enclave. But there were "stupid robodogs" as you said in doctors office in NCR and Navarro also at doctors. Well even those stupid robodogs could bite like hell 4 attacks per turn? Its not very much of unfallouty. You could use robodogs and the robot you built and it was fallouty.
Mr Feltzer:
--- Quote from: Slaver Snipe on July 08, 2010, 10:29:16 pm ---Average wastelander is highly debatable, i mean if you can perform heart surgery or something similar with lvl 3 doctor or make beautiful weapons of death it doesn't seem too far fetched that some people can reprogram or even rebuild certain robots that survived the fall, perhaps make it a special encounter so they truly do seem rare and far between.
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Agreed. lt adds a large amount of diversity to the wasteland.
Wont' be implemented, since the devs don't like it.
Stopping suggesting this. Being ignored. Fuck this.
I suggest renaming "Suggestions" in "Pious hopes".
DUN GIV UP, MAN. SCREAM LIKE A BITCH UNTIL SOMEONE PAYS ATTENTION. That works here. I liked Gandhi the best, but that would be too idealistic for this world.
So uh.
In the previous titles, our character had a tad of that "average wastelanderness". Yet the character was pushed, and it ran with its own will towards extraordinary goals. Not just the main plot, it did some other random neat things. HE/SHE FUCKING BUILT HIS OWN POWER ARMOUR ONE TIME. Hacked computer terminals, hijacked vertibirds. As Slaver Snipe said, this "average" adjective is debatable. A robotics technician might be something not-so-inaccesible for the future, duncha think? The ability to posses dem robots will hafta be balanced and all to keep the game balanced and pretty. It should TOTALLY be implemented since it diversifies player experience. Maybe not right now, but "never" would be rather dull.
First: My head hurts after reading your text. Is it so hard using correct speech?
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This may work in the Kindergarten, but not here. It only causes annoyance and won't help things getting implemented.
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