Other > Suggestions

New Title

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--- Quote ---Abuser - the most bad words.
--- End quote ---
Cool, no need to hunt people to ban anymore !

Well anyway. There are tons of titles that could be added to the game, but none was, so maybe it is even not possible (maybe it's up to Cvet, for example). I think we should firstly ask devs if they're open to titles suggestions.

P.S. I agree with all Crazy's suggestions in his last post.

Cleaned off-topic. Next step is users-cleaning.

Well, if devs would ever add more to the list, here's another one that could be added: Most outdoorsman successes. I'm not sure what it would be called... maybe Scout or Pathfinder.

Also, I really like the Jinxed one and the Ultimate Pexer, they sound good.


--- Quote ---Well, if devs would ever add more to the list, here's another one that could be added: Most outdoorsman successes. I'm not sure what it would be called... maybe Scout or Pathfinder.
--- End quote ---

I remember "the most well traveled person" too, it was something like that.


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