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Author Topic: Leader perks.  (Read 2151 times)


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Leader perks.
« on: July 01, 2010, 10:19:50 pm »

We need more leader perks other than Magnetic personality so I've come up with a small list:

Drill Sergant (misspelled probably..)

Effect: +15% exp gain to mercs of the owner.

Heroic poser

Effect: +10% boost to all skills of merc's in combat.

Picky Chooser

Effect: Newly hired mercs are now +10% better than normal wasteland scum. (Has 3 Ranks)

Feel free to add more.
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Re: Leader perks.
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2010, 12:00:03 am »

Firsty there is too few kinds of mercs. Now its just:
- Melee (good only in base/tent)
- Lasers (quite good in PvE - dunno about PvP - never tried)
- Unarmed mutants (also only in base)
- Lsw/Bazooka/other bg (quite useful everywhere)
- sniper ghouls (useless almost everywhere)

For me there should be also:
- robots to fix items
- animals (liked this idea about trapper profession)
- robots-guards (just turrets or something like that)
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Re: Leader perks.
« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2010, 10:53:06 am »

Born Leader: Can lead a group of as many followers as possible i.e Your whole gang. Just cnt recruit unlimited amounts of mercs or slaves.  but can easily lead 20 players into the wasteland

Pimp: Carry an extra Slave per rank and/or slaves provide 50caps every in game day lol -3 maximum hitpoints per day until dead. This should only work with slaves preferably weak slaves as opposed to trappers or bandits... maybe restrict it to "cute or handsome" slaves only...

Teacher: All followers gain an extra 2% to their xp gain while following you, or gain sequence, recover hp quicker, critically miss less, do more critical hits, etc, etc they gain a little bonus while the leader is in view of the followers. Kinda like an aura.

Born Soldier: Gain a bonus to something while following a player with a higher level.

Tactician: Find (better) larger fights in the wasteland if at least 2 people are following you, placing your group closer to the exit grid then normal. Increases cool down time for higher quality encounters but grants you first turn everytime and increasses the size of groups encountered i..e adds an extra +2 npcs per group.....

Easy Rider: Use half the normal amount of gas/ need to repair while driving one or more players in the wasteland...

Drug Dealer: Gain experience selling drugs and stims lol and drugs cost 10% less to create reqs high intel and charisma

Highwayman: Your group cannot be encountered by other players in the wasteland.  confirmation is automatically sent to the leader to see if they wish to encounter the unknown group.

lol  its late but some of these sound interesting enuff.... :P i rly like born leader should require  high charisma and maybe magnetic person? but we need a perk like that for huge wasteland battles!
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Re: Leader perks.
« Reply #3 on: July 03, 2010, 09:42:11 am »

This could really make guiding a better profesion i would like seeing this implemented some time soon :)
Re: Leader perks.
« Reply #4 on: July 03, 2010, 12:54:43 pm »

I don't think dev's will be adding perks anytime soon, but anyway.

Req: 160% outdoorsman, 100% speech, 6 int, 8 charisma, lvl 15
"Your skill allows you to understand what is going on in the fight and respond accordingly"
Effect: Allows you to preview the encounter and allows choosing placement.
Ranks: 3, each rank allows more accurate placement and a bigger fov when viewing the encounter encounter.

Born leader
Req: 100% outdoorsman, 80% speech, 7 charisma lvl 6
"You were born as a true leader, you are naturally better at commanding and leading your followers."
Effect: one time boost of 10% speech and the ability to show allies where to go or what to attack on the battlefield using arrows. (using the alt menu, shows a floating arrow at the designated target) (allies = People that have you tagged and which you greenlisted aswell.)
Ranks: 2
Rank 1: Only able to show arrows in own Fov
Rank 2: ability to show floating arrows out of own fov aswell.

First in charge and to strike
Req: 120% outdoorsman, 60% speech, 7 agility, charisma 6, Int 6, lvl 3
"Your cunning skills allow you to strike much faster when encountering somoene else his battle"
Effect: When entering an encounter from somoene else OR a VS encounter the round will be reset and all your followers including you get a seq boost for that round.
(usseful against traps, and usseful in general since you are allowed to strike first.)
Ranks: 2
Rank 1: +5 seq
Rank 2: +10 seq

"Tactical retreat"
Req: 80% outdoorsman, 80% speech, 7 agility, charisma 7, lvl 3
"Your cunning skills allow you and your group to retreat quickly from any suprise attacks"
Effect: Uppon failing an outdoorsmancheck on the worldmap you and your followers get extra ap boost which can only be used for movement. (first round ONLY)
Ranks: 3
Rank 1: +2 ap
Rank 2: +3 ap
Rank 3 : +4 ap

What do you guys think about these?


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Re: Leader perks.
« Reply #5 on: July 03, 2010, 06:47:59 pm »

All very good ideas but they're all about encounters, nothing that would help in TC or anything except maybe Born Leader.
Whenever I say something, imagine \"In my opinion"/ being in the front of every sentence.
Re: Leader perks.
« Reply #6 on: July 03, 2010, 10:50:42 pm »

Well the aura thingy wuld help in TC if you and your group are in ear shot of each other... Ofcourse however it makes you more likely to get blown up in a group :p  since your forced to stick side by side for that xtra 5% bonus
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Re: Leader perks.
« Reply #7 on: July 04, 2010, 06:41:59 am »

A more bartery perk but related to charisma/etc....

Perversive merchant:

Effect: Every merchant always has an extra bit of caps for their preferred customer.


9 Charisma, 75% barter.
Whenever I say something, imagine \"In my opinion"/ being in the front of every sentence.
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