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LK rule, question

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Hello everyone.

What is the rule LK aggressor and defender? For example, as a player (1) has the 10LK and how often he does a critics and instants on the player (2) with 1LK?
How does it go at other options? Let's say the player with 6LK (aggressor) attacking player with 10LK. It is a rule accurate?

So nobody knows? Maybe developers know how it is? Where can i find criticals tabel?

Lil Jesus:
i dont think it matters who has more luck, but if enemy has less, it means he cant do that often criticals as you. (and if he critically miss, he does it... uhh, more painful to himself?)

One of the devs says that even with maxed out luck/critical chance, the % to get an instakill is still less than 5%.


--- Quote from: Dishonest Abe on July 03, 2010, 05:22:30 pm ---One of the devs says that even with maxed out luck/critical chance, the % to get an instakill is still less than 5%.

--- End quote ---
.....We all know the answer to that so why bother arguing  ::).


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