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Author Topic: Maximum amount of proffessions  (Read 1928 times)

Maximum amount of proffessions
« on: July 01, 2010, 04:20:15 pm »

  Today while I was reading FOnline Wiki I catched these words; "You can only have 4 profession levels in total, which means you can be Doctor [3] and Gunsmith (Small Guns) [1] or Energy Expert [2] and Armorer [2], for example.". Even though I have played the game quite a bit (mostly pre-wipe) I never knew the amount of proffessions you could accumulate were limited, so I ended up creating a "versatile crafter/leader" when I restarted a few days ago. The result was this:

  I planned to get all levels of the Armorer proffession at the NCR, Small guns [2] at Junktown, Doctor [3] at Vault City and Big Guns [3] at the Brotherhood of Steel. When I was done with all these I thought of slaving then. But I guess this little discovery of mine might mean this character is a little screwed up.

  I don't know what's the cause of limiting the amount of proffessions even for such "super smart" characters who can't fend for themselves in a serious battle, nor do I know the reason of forcing everyone to make so many alts or joining a gang and using what is readily available. It might be some balancing for a gameplay developers intend to achieve, which is beyond me. It's not that hard to reach maximum level with a character and moving onto anohter for me, I just didn't like the idea of using so many alts just for crafting or relying on other crafters/vendors/traders. This whole S.P.E.C.I.A.L. system which allows you to fine tune everything according to you playstyle (such as creating a innately blind and super-smart crafter/leader) is one of the reasons why I love this game (excluding the hostile environment :)), but not knowing about a few alt-character rooting "balance" features was definitely my fault.

  Even though things are looking grim for this character I won't delete him, I am level 12 already and will soon get all levels of Armour or Doctor proffessions. I also have 2 sniper friends who will join the Raiders to craft expendable small arms and a Big Guns crafter who is also playing with us. I wish it was at least possible to craft a considerable amount of what is necessary for my group, and switch back and forth between proffessions.

  Also, would being a slaver completely prevent joining to the BoS faction?
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