Other > Events

The Gunslinger Tournament (July 4th)

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Watch out!
showing off makes one's nads shrink

Dark Angel:
Kamil SG is ready for tomorrow :D

I don't get it... So, if two friends meet in a triangle the third man has no chance cuz they'll kill him first for sure. A fair tournament would be a 1vs 1, no friends, no runing around, just skill and of course, luck.

3 people will be picked randomly, so the chance to have 2 friends in a group is rather small (about 1%). And I didn't write anywhere some dirty alliances in the triangle aren't allowed. In fact they are part of this tournament. You can do whatever you can to kill 2 other people, as long as all you use is your gun and brain. But there will be very little time for this and any pre-event settlements make little sense, because you will not know your opponents until the fight.

On a side note, please remember the event might take about an hour, maybe a little more so make sure you have this much time.

Not two friends in a triangle, just one, so the third guy, no matter how good he is will die first. The chances are low at the begining, yes, but later, when only the best players will remain the chances are actually very high, the best players know eachother. This is not a dirty alliance made in the triangle, it's a fact so any newer player that will come to this tournament will lose gear for sure without any chances to win. I am not asking to chance the rules or something, I am just pointing to a fact.

Anyway, one more question, no chems means no stimpaks also, right?


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