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How can I keep more followers at my tent?
I have 3 charism, I capture one slave and tell him to wait at camp, and whenver I try to get a 2nd one it will not let me.
I know you can keep more followers at camp as guards and so. How can I do this please?
get the magnetic personality perk, that way you can have 1 more follower, or mak a 9 charisma character and then take magnetic personality, lets you have 5 followers, note, the followers count as being followers even if they just stand and guard.
--- Quote from: LaGordaKeRie on June 29, 2010, 02:22:49 pm ---I have 3 charism, I capture one slave and tell him to wait at camp, and whenver I try to get a 2nd one it will not let me.
I know you can keep more followers at camp as guards and so. How can I do this please?
--- End quote ---
Take Magnetic Personality perk to take one more slave.
Tried Mentats to raise charisma up to 8?
Invite people you can trust, to your tent and tell them to bring more slaves.
Make a new build with 8-10 CH. I mean, slaver with 3CH?
Thanks for replies. I'm quite a bit noob of myself, I thought you could keep followers at camp no matter your charism/MPers.
Starting a new char soudns fun, specially if slave trader. Will take a while decide its stats tho.
here's a good build,
Merc Leader - Use the power of his men, usually mercs leader is also a slaver and have hight outdorsman.
-Simple orders: "seek and destroy".
ST 5
PE 6
EN 6
CH 9
IN 6
AG 2
LK 6
Good Natured
Fast Metabolism
Magnetic Personality/Toughbess
Toughness/Magnetic Personality
More Criticals[or something else]
Living Anatomy
Combat skill [190]
First Aid [160]
Outdorsman [120]
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