Other > Suggestions

Trade/Barter timeouts not good.

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guys u dont get it, this mechanism is a turn-off for new people coming into the game. Also the timeouts is not helping casual players that cant make barter alts(cuz they r new to this game). I agree that there should be a timeout for bartering with traders, but not this crazy 30secs thingy that increases with barter skill!

The argument about being self sufficient by farming mobs to get the stuff u need, than why do we need traders at all, juz scrap them, and let the players do the barter trade amongst themselves.... than u have the power players with all their alts, so they are self sufficient, so the noobs get shafted again....


--- Quote from: Dishonest Abe on June 29, 2010, 08:16:19 pm ---Current 30-second system only promotes a barter alt.

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with the new filters its really easy to do your shopping in under 30 seconds.

Dylan Fraser:
Timer is there so people don't grief by keeping the barter window open and leaving their computer.

Really the Default barter time should be at least 1 min so that players can have a look at what the traderrs have in return for their items. With one trader in Vault City I clicked and held the down button to scroll through his items and I didnt even get through all his items by the time 30 secs were up so that makes this timer look even more stupid. Yes they should have a timer to stop people going off and doing something else whilst the trade is going but for gods sake it can't be that short otherwise its just going to keep driving players away from this game.

Dylan Fraser:

--- Quote from: Kieran96336 on June 30, 2010, 10:38:09 am ---Really the Default barter time should be at least 1 min so that players can have a look at what the traderrs have in return for their items. With one trader in Vault City I clicked and held the down button to scroll through his items and I didnt even get through all his items by the time 30 secs were up so that makes this timer look even more stupid. Yes they should have a timer to stop people going off and doing something else whilst the trade is going but for gods sake it can't be that short otherwise its just going to keep driving players away from this game.

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Just put one cap on your trade menu and when the timer is about to run out, then give him the 1 cap and it will re-new your timer.  I think the time should be extended, but it's a decent solution in the meantime.


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