Other > Suggestions

Tier 3 Small Guns Needs a Boost

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Dylan Fraser:
Lately, with the Assault Rifle being buffed up, it puts even the XL70E3 rifle to shame.  To balance this, the tier 3 weapons for small guns should be boosted up a little as well.
This would also close the gap between big gunners and small gunners.

Tommy Lau:
that includes p90!

I think p90 is fine for now, but the XL70E3 does need a boost, I agree. Not all SG 3 weapons, just that assault rifle for now.


--- Quote from: Dishonest Abe on June 29, 2010, 03:32:55 pm ---I think p90 is fine for now, but the XL70E3 does need a boost, I agree. Not all SG 3 weapons, just that assault rifle for now.

--- End quote ---

It needs a boost and removing from being craftable/buyable. There really isn't the space for 4 assault rifle type guns in general play.

I don't see much people using XL70E3... Well actually I don't see totaly nobody with that one.


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