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Daily riddles

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--- Quote from: Hololasima on July 06, 2010, 11:16:51 am ---Awards are always same.

--- End quote ---

Awards, awards never change !  :P

Cant choose 1 robes and 1 CA? :P

Dont know man !!! I am only winner, not "playerwhoknowsall"  8)  :D

Here is todays Riddle! (06.07.2010)
This time you will have to find out the first letters of the following persons/places/things,
add all the letters to one word and go to the location you then have.
You only get the reward for the riddle if you answer all questions correct!

1 - "Little Souls in the dark, barely know how to walk"

2 - "We like to make the booze, cause that's the way I choose!"

3 - "I am red like blood with speed of light each shot!"

4 - "For two you bring I make your palate sing!"

5 - "We small and poor in Den reside and take your goods for our side!"

6 - "The Caps will take awhile, but I'll make you ride with style!"

7 - "I cant stand the barking atnight, now grab a gun and fight!"

8 - ""Sacred place in northwest, don't go there, don't try your best"

Rules are as usual, don't spoil the solution till the winner is announced here in forum. This time it's a bit harder, good luck! :)
If no one knows the solution, I will give a few tips.

AAAANnnnd. We have a winner! Gratulations, Quentin Lang! :)

The solution:

1 - "Little Souls in the dark, barely know how to walk"

The little children in at the slags in Ghostfarm are very young and are dwelling in the dark. Solution was then GHOSTFARM.

2 - "We like to make the booze, cause that's the way I choose!"

"I" is in this line ORVILLE WRIGHT, the head of the Wrights Familiy in Reno. They make the booze.

3 - "I am red like blood with speed of light each shot!"

An easy one - it was LASER.

4 - "For two you bring I make your palate sing!"

GRISHAM in Modoc makes your tongue and your palate sing with his tasty meat.

5 - "We small and poor in Den reside and take your goods for our side!"

The little ORPHANS (no, not the gang :P ) residing in Den and stealing your stuff.

6 - "The Caps will take awhile, but I'll make you ride with style!"

T-RAY in Reno provides you with the best cars in the wastes.

7 - "I cant stand the barking atnight, now grab a gun and fight!"

HENDRIKS gives you the quest to get rid of the dogs in L.A.

8 - ""Sacred place in northwest, don't go there, don't try your best"

It was obviously ARROYO. ;)


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