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Daily riddles

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--- Quote from: Michaelh139 on June 29, 2010, 10:18:28 pm ---And where the hell is Renesco?  I been all over new Reno never seen that place...

--- End quote ---
Hehe, Renesco is in Reno, West Side. He deals medical supplies.

And there show that not all people played Fallout1&2


Yeah but propley knowing cities and people from Fallout 1&2 helps you much with that riddles - so i will say that people should first play Fallout 2 then FOnline - but's it is only my dream.

Well honestly you could find the solution even by only playing FOnline.

Not regs.  Shiny men are BoS. Elder is the leading caste.

Regulators wear metal armor so it was 50/50....

Faction of tall black men is Enclave.

Ok got me on that one.

Ghoul proficient in repair was Skeeter.

aint heard of him.

Chinese kingdom is San Francisco

Got me...

"It's everytime the same few guys."
"Destroyed event with spoilers"

What you mean ?

Event was over after Johhny won it. But i dont knew that 30 sec after "event is over" will be problem when i will give a little advice. Ok it was problem. I dont understand, and you can call me troll.


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