*Corrtharr, one of the pack leaders, says , that the geckos aren't tasty for deathclaws, BUT edible. Xarn and Xorn are listening what their shaman says, since they want to survive, not to "pwn". Wise Shaman Corrthar means, that humans might want to have gecko skins, since they are craftable in armors. That's why deathclaws collect these pelts, to exchange them to human slaves to eat!
To crowd this subforum abit more, to make atleast a few events and such, and to give players a bit of a "roleplaying" service and still action, I decided to revive this awesome event Izual started prewipe again. We already did this tonight and players appreciated it much, that's why it's gonna be "repeated".

In a nutshell: There are a few Deathclaws roaming the wasteland. They don't pose a threat to anyone in the first place, only if you piss them off. They are looking for food, unfortunately this includes humans aswell (as they are tasty!). So you either use a) your "speech" skill ingame to persuate them to not eat you b) bring them slaves of you to eat or c) try to kill the Deathclaws.
They are no godly über Builds, infact I created them and made them too weak.

Gotta change it atleast a bit though.
Otherwise, I hope you all have fun with it and it increases a bit of the fallout feeling, I am planning to do similar things with other species and kin too! To provide everyone a bit of the fun.

[* Free Roam means you might stumble random over the deathclaws in the wasteland, in your tent or everywhere. They pose no threat to you and will never kill you on sight, incase you want to complain