Other > Suggestions
Dialogue Options between Players (More than text msgs over our heads, Yes.)
what about private soundproof booths that stop shouts (sexy time, no?)
--- Quote from: gordulan on June 27, 2010, 07:28:59 pm ---actually, for emotes, we ned 3d models, or are you prepared to create a couple of thousand sprite frames for each character style (male, female, hermaphrodite (longhair male)), and of couse, the idea is flawed at best, since it would give suicide bombers and thieves way more chances. IMO, flawed, at best, no offence though...
--- End quote ---
No, this is for people who can actually SPELL and WRITE. You don't need graphics to be creative enough to write in-depth details for an ongoing storyline. Of course there is no story line on Fallout Online which is why I said 'bars' could become a safe haven in any town where players may meet up to trade and start something eventually having some background between characters, factions, etc etc (if there was a limit on alts, cloning replication and/or bullshit.)
Although I'm sure Gordulan could barely read a comic book much less form a complete thought into an actual comprehensible sentence.
No its not for a mini-chat room you jackass, its so you don't have to go on MiRC constantly and meet people outside of simply walking into a city, walking into a bar and running into someone who could potentially help you out. Or if there becomes some general radio channels people use they could talk on there, setup a meet and bam. Not to mention if you are engaged in combat it should auto-close although it doesn't matter with the speed of combat here.
Dylan Fraser:
You can type
/w message
So that people can only hear you if they are very close to you (depending on their perception)
You can also type
to do an emote.
I don't see the point in a full dialogue window. You would probably end up regretting it when all your possessions turn up missing.
Also, there is the .o command (which doesnt work at the moment :( ) for out of character stuff.
oh, it works, it makes your text become ethereal
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