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The Ultimate Barbarians recruiting

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--- Quote from: Dylan Fraser on July 03, 2010, 01:21:38 pm ---Says 1 charisma but to not let non-members to base...  You couldn't do it even if you wanted to.

--- End quote ---

there is a perk dylan if you can remember that.. "magnetic personality"
check the wiki before posting.  ::)

You don't need a perk, a radio will do  ;)


--- Quote from: Flick on July 03, 2010, 03:03:16 pm ---You don't need a perk, a radio will do  ;)

--- End quote ---

not at the base.. or tents.. i guess.. ;)

Mentats will allow them to.

Dylan Fraser:
Well then why does he require 1 charisma if you can just use magnetic personality/mentats anyway?
Which was my point.


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