Other > Suggestions
Bounty Hunter (i know.. again)
Lil Jesus:
but there should be bit of penalty... because people say "they just can get friend to kill them and share bounty"
but what i think is, Bounty Hunter could be a "co-faction" like Slaver (well actually like a slaver, just a good side :D )
rep can change for that etc (optional idea), anyway, the thing is, you get random target from the boss NPC, so you cant see everyone's bounty, only one guy who got picked randomly by NPC, if the target gets killed, he will be lying dead for minutes depending on hes level, if hes 21 level, he will be 21 minutes lying dead on ground.
bounty system, if player is 1 level, min. bounty can be put only 1k Caps, if 21 level, then min. is 21k caps, etc etc.
i think it would be nice, and you cant just kill and share bounty, cause NPC boss will give random guy, not give you access to all guys and able to kill them.
so i doubt these guys would wanna do so much work just to find each others and share the bounty.
OPTIONAL IDEA: if youre bounty hunter, you need to have a perk to have access to shoot people in guarded cities. like if there is someone with a bounty on head, in NCR and you have perk "NCR Bounty Access" then youre able to kill him. the access perk shouldnt be free, but for quest/money/items.
The bounty system really needs a change. i think some of the things you suggest could make this feature less abusable, but still needs work.
-Add cooldown to the quest: A player can only ask for a new target every 5 minutes. (this prevent players to seek peoples bountys)
-If you dont kill your target and ask for a new target you lose the previous target quest. (you can only have 1 target at a time).
-when the target is dead, only a bounty hunter that has that target can get the dog tag. (more that one can get the same target, only one dogtag is droped)
-You only recibe quests of online targets.
Other things to add:
A way to obtain info about your targets:
You can ask some npcs for information about the last town where the target has been seen, dangerously (lvl, weapons, etc), and the more important:if the bounty is still active and if the target is online.
Also the bounty system can be improved adding some "bad reputation" bountys.
Some towns/faction will put a "bad reputation bounty" on your head proportional to your bad reputation (in gold and exp).
The system will be the same, but when you kill the target, he will go to prision (or remain dead) a time proportional to the reputation in that town. After that, the target will recover some reputation (he already recibe a punishment for his acts). So if its reputation is still low there will be another bounty but smaller.
The bounty hunter increase his reputation to that town/faction, and to the bounty hunters faction.
A bounty hunter will lose reputation to the faction if:
-a "bad reputation bounty" its placed on himself.
-was killed by his target.
-change its target a few times, lets say 5 (dont complete any of them).
Also i like your idea to get special bonus as a bounty hunter.
The reputation in this faction may unlock some bonus you can get. Some other ideas:
-You can ask for clues of a target using a radio (a special chanel will be used by bounty hunters and with a comand you recibe the info) this will have some cooldown.
-You can get access to special traders (may be they can sell special equipment, or have cheaper costs)
-you can have/recruit npcs that helps you again your target (some like mysterious stranger perk, but they apear to help you only against your target)
Lil Jesus:
i like idea, xept mystery stranger stuff, mercs are for that...
--- Quote from: Lil Jesus on July 01, 2010, 02:33:46 am ---i like idea, xept mystery stranger stuff, mercs are for that...
--- End quote ---
But not all chars are charisma.
But if your char doesnt have enough charisma for at least one merc then what else is your char good for?
Killing, nuff said.
Actually no... Big Guns, since any other Bounty Hunter would fail since Big Guns is the only way to go for pvp.
--- Quote from: RavenWolf on June 28, 2010, 07:07:06 am ---The bounty system really needs a change. i think some of the things you suggest could make this feature less abusable, but still needs work.
-Add cooldown to the quest: A player can only ask for a new target every 5 minutes. (this prevent players to seek peoples bountys)
-If you dont kill your target and ask for a new target you lose the previous target quest. (you can only have 1 target at a time).
-when the target is dead, only a bounty hunter that has that target can get the dog tag. (more that one can get the same target, only one dogtag is droped)
-You only recibe quests of online targets.
Other things to add:
A way to obtain info about your targets:
You can ask some npcs for information about the last town where the target has been seen, dangerously (lvl, weapons, etc), and the more important:if the bounty is still active and if the target is online.
Also the bounty system can be improved adding some "bad reputation" bountys.
Some towns/faction will put a "bad reputation bounty" on your head proportional to your bad reputation (in gold and exp).
The system will be the same, but when you kill the target, he will go to prision (or remain dead) a time proportional to the reputation in that town. After that, the target will recover some reputation (he already recibe a punishment for his acts). So if its reputation is still low there will be another bounty but smaller.
The bounty hunter increase his reputation to that town/faction, and to the bounty hunters faction.
A bounty hunter will lose reputation to the faction if:
-a "bad reputation bounty" its placed on himself.
-was killed by his target.
-change its target a few times, lets say 5 (dont complete any of them).
Also i like your idea to get special bonus as a bounty hunter.
The reputation in this faction may unlock some bonus you can get. Some other ideas:
-You can ask for clues of a target using a radio (a special chanel will be used by bounty hunters and with a comand you recibe the info) this will have some cooldown.
-You can get access to special traders (may be they can sell special equipment, or have cheaper costs)
-you can have/recruit npcs that helps you again your target (some like mysterious stranger perk, but they apear to help you only against your target)
--- End quote ---
With a minor change guards wouldnt kill the people who are vilified, just bunty hunters would do it :) that would be nice...
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