Other > Closed suggestions

Faction Name Suggestions

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--- Quote from: Aryan on January 14, 2010, 08:48:15 am ---Why could a wordfilter not be used? filter all the profanitys you dont want in faciton names. Im sure a list of the most popular slurs could be compiled in a few languages, and if ones missed the carebears will report it quick enough

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That's a pretty good idea, actually.

I don't see why offensive names are even an issue. You have people like Aryan making holocaust jokes in the forum and no one cares. We are playing a game filled with junkies, prostitutes, murderers and cannibals. It's not like there are many young players since they weren't alive when fallout 2 existed and without the nostalgia I doubt many young players would start playing fonline since its so dated looking.

But there are differences between a joke and an insult.
"Aryan" is in a grey zone, sure this word got his bad past, but the word itself is just another word.
Words like "gay", "rape", "nigger" etc. are not only insults, it's also childish to use them.
Many things in the game are ridicolous now, lets not make it even more silly.

--- Quote ---That's a pretty good idea, actually.
--- End quote ---

When someone wants to name a gang for example "The emo rapers" and both words are in a filter, they just call it "Tehemorapers" or "Teh.Emo.Rapers" etc.

Most people can't be trusted to have names that aren't astoundingly stupid. I don't want to see that stinking up my Pipboy.

Gangs usually go by acronyms, bang bang smash imo is a pretty retarded name for a gang. Plsu who cares if someone makes a name about rape? The wasteland would be like disneyworld for rapists.


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