Only if you think every battle in FOnline is blitzkrieg-based. Town Control, for example, is not about getting in range, it is about defending your area. Well, put snipers there and big guns, if someone comes too close of the snipers, big guns will zap him, as you said ; not mentioning that inside buildings the fact that they can't run is not at all a penalty.
Not a penalty? Not blitzkrieg-based? Defence not requiring maneuver? Using your squad's weapons in succession, not all at once? Not defining killzones, exfiltration routes, backup positions and having no reinforcements?

First of all, every well played battle in FOnline IS blitzkrieg-based. That's because of the fact that every FOnline battle is played by human beings and every human being reacts more or less the same to the shock of a well-planned and rapid assault. Ever noticed how in all decisive engagements (ie. one side CLEARLY winning the day) the losing side always scatters and drags on while the winning side moves in quick, decisive bursts? Ever noticed how the mop up is somewhat lazy and takes as much time as the fighting itself? That's the principles you don't realise even exist at play.
And TC not about getting in range? What about the principle of utilising cover until you're ready to strike with all weapons at your disposal? What about the principle of striking from the best possible angle, which sometimes requires rapid feinting? What about creating killzones and ambushes, which require feinting too? Do you even realise how useless in each basic maneuver a character that can't run would be?
Well, that's false. Yeah, I agree, you're inferior at long range (but honestly if you weren't what would be the use of snipers ?), but I have to disagree. At midrange you destroy everything. Who would beat you in 1vs1 in range ? P90 burst ? Jackhammer ? Laser rifle ? Plasma, okay, but plasma is a very good weapon so that's quite normal. I don't talk about snipers here, since you can burst them easily when they're at middle range (and imo Sniper Rifle should have scoped perk, but it's another discussion).
First of all, knockdown. Second of all, all weapons used for PvP are well capable of killing a TC equipped powerbuild in a full-AP strike. It's all about who pulls the trigger first, and the best edge BG get at midrange is having to click once instead of twice. The only thing they really excell at is CQB, because they can engage the next target more rapidly having to attack their target once or twice to take it out. At everything else they're either pretty much standard or inferior.
Yes, but not in "move quickly", rather in "burst quickly", when it comes to big guns. Once again, this suggestion increases the potential of teams made of SG/EW and Big Guns, because everyone will have a different role, and that's where it becomes interesting. I've never seen something more ridiculous than a big guns charge. You say "flanking", and honestly flanking looks great, but in FOnline it's mostly about running and shooting. Now, with this suggestion implemented, you'd have to think twice and to move to make sure your enemy steps in range of the big guns. It can be flanking the enemy to force him to retreat on your big guns, or it can be moving your big guns near the enemy while you contain him, etc.
Bad players run, shoot and die. Good players flank, coordinate and prevail. Besides, you have no understanding of the fact that due to their stats, BG are good ASSAULT weapons. Assault element needs to be extremely mobile. Base of fire element needs to have range, which BG lack. So, given the weapon stats, it really should be BG forcing the enemy from behind cover into the sniper FOV, not the other way around.
Not really, they would be tremendous in anything related to support.
A BG lacks range to be a good support weapon. It lacks raw damage to be a good support weapon. As mentioned above, it is a good assault weapon though. Basically, BG in FOnline is what a submachinegun was in world war 2. Changing that would require a general overhaul of the stats of ALL weapons in the game - somehow I don't think that'd ever happen. So best leave stuff like this alone.
Read my first post, I'm fine with BG and I don't want them to be nerfed. I want them to be different.
Disabling the ability to run is the greatest nerf any weapon could ever suffer.
Quite agreeing, even if I don't see how it is related to this thread ?
If you are doubtful about this idea, just look at the town control videos in my youtube account, it is quite enlightening.
What the hell, man.
I'm for improving tactics in this game, obviously you're not, doesn't make you and I insane persons.
It would help if you actually learned something about tactics before trying to improve them, no?