Other > Suggestions

[New Weapon] gauss gun without targetin system

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"Praised for its range and stopping power, the PPK12 Gauss Pistol is of German design. The pistol uses electromagnetic field to propel rounds at tremendous speed and punch trough almost any armor. However, this model lacks precise targeting system, as magnetic chamber is imperfect"
no accurate perk, no way of targeting bodyparts
craftable from horrible amounts of stuff, with expensive ammo, the very first really-powerful gun for single-shot-spamming class.
imperfect magnetic chamber would cause -20% to SG and prevent aimed shots (this weapon would be much more like distance-hammer, not 1hand sniper)

some more diversity, another way of playing, something like needler pistol with AP ammo used to be, just price would be related to power.

as it wouldnt be snipers weapon, this wouldnt became best weapon in game, as firing whole AP with gun takes much more than firing whole AP with minigun, however, this would anyway became highest tier SG weapon

some more programming? it would probably need new ammo implemented also, If 2mm ec will be called too strong. Thing would need tests too :p

Lil Jesus:
and then gang of 5 people with gausses come into town, use jet, spam-shoot everyone (gun is powerful) and it doesnt matter who die, they're all weak against gauss. :/ aint it so?


--- Quote from: Lil Jesus on June 22, 2010, 03:48:07 pm ---and then gang of 5 people with gausses come into town, use jet, spam-shoot everyone (gun is powerful) and it doesnt matter who die, they're all weak against gauss. :/ aint it so?

--- End quote ---

then 3 guys with avengers/snipers arrive and rape them? its a single shot weapon versus possible sniper which have much longer range. Or versus big guns.
The gun will have limited use.
But it will be usseful in TB encounters and for fast shot sg people

the way Ive proposed it it wouldnt be ultimate and most powerful weapon in game, just another possibility of SG weapon.
Or maybe It could be energy weapon (as projectile speed is based od magnetic acceleration) and It'd give very new way of playing with EG...

The Gauss Gun is in the game already in the game. In special ecounter.

Sorry for my english


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