Other > Survival Guides / Game Help

~deleteself not working?


I did a ~deleteself <password> on a failed build yesterday. I got the message that it will be deleted after the character disappears, and logged off. Today, I figured I had a better idea for the nonworking build, and tried to use the same name. Even though about 10 hours passed between the deletion attempt and creation of a new one, I still logged in with the old character.

Am I doing something wrong, or is there a problem with the command? I figured I'd ask somebody with more time in the game before bothering the devs via the bug forum.

Thanks for any (constructive  ;D) responses.

Dylan Fraser:
Re-register under the old name?  ;D


--- Quote from: Dylan Fraser on June 22, 2010, 03:29:44 am ---Re-register under the old name?  ;D

--- End quote ---

You're doing it on purpose, don't you?  ;D


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