Other > Suggestions
Shortcut to initiate combat mode
I'm honestly too lazy to check if this has been discussed, but it would greatly help to have some sort of a shortcut that turns on combat.
Playing a melee-based character, I have no recourse to avoid first-attack by a ranged character (A-key only works if I run up to them). Also, I prefer the original turn-based combat method, and, admittedly, it often helps to have control over the moment when hostilities ensue. Without the ability to begin combat when I wish without resorting to immediate attack I am often unable to use tactics against my opponents, which is all the more important for close-range based characters.
Another benefit would be "cooling down" potential aggressor - I had several player characters run up to me and use burst weapons from up close before I could even type in a warning to stay away. Since attacking anybody I see on sight is not my playing preference, being able to go into combat mode also allows me to indicate that, yes, I know my potential opponent is there, and, yes, I am prepared for a confrontation. Especially if the combat is turn-based, and I have the bloody time to type :)
This option would have to include a timeout period before re-use to avoid it being a constant abuse issue, although if it is code-able the counter should only be set if it is used in combat with another player present.
If used in town, it should be treated as an actual attack (possibly modified by reputation) to avoid exploits and general asshattery.
Random encounters are a bit of a different issue, since they often feature mixed NPC presence. A solution might be something based on reputation modifying the reaction, or simply black-or-white approach between the reaction as described for town guards or ignoring initiating combat mode.
Frankly, it is simply something to help deal with other players, so PvE considerations are not an overly high priority (though it would be nice as an option).
Thoughts and comments very welcome.
you can't have tb combat in towns, but i do like the hitting enter to initiate combat mode in tactics.
space could be used for this, and it would finally stop people from stashing their slaves at the exit grid in ncr
Dylan Fraser:
Interesting idea. It would be nice if combat started with the actual first attack against NPCs. As for players, it's pretty unavoidable. Some people like to have the element of surprise on you, and they would complain if that was taken away from them.
--- Quote from: gordulan on June 22, 2010, 12:39:03 am ---space could be used for this
--- End quote ---
Actually, a space would be oh-so-easy to hit by a mistake. I was thinking about something along the lines of two-key combo precisely for that reason.
--- Quote from: Dylan Fraser on June 22, 2010, 12:40:40 am ---As for players, it's pretty unavoidable. Some people like to have the element of surprise on you, and they would complain if that was taken away from them.
--- End quote ---
This would remove no advantage of theirs, merely add a counter to it. In other words, they are free to attempt a surprise attack on me, and I, in return, am free to attempt to prevent them from using it. In game mechanics terms, they would still have a better chance to succeed than I if the use of this option is put on a countdown timer. On the other hand, currently there is no counter to such a tactic short of immediately attacking another player in a random encounter.
All it does is add another choice to a random encounter between players. Right now it's either flee, or fight. If you attempt to communicate, you run a risk of precisely the attack I described above, which, frankly, is simply using game mechanics to induce unrealistic advantage (I'd consider it verging on abuse). In no way does adding such an option prevent another player from attempting a surprise attack on another.
--- Quote from: Dylan Fraser on June 22, 2010, 12:40:40 am ---It would be nice if combat started with the actual first attack against NPCs.
--- End quote ---
It doesn't? Could you explain how the game handles it to me, then? I find it easier to learn from people with hands-on experience than dig for often outdated information. And also am too lazy to do the later ;)
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