Other > Suggestions

Choose Graveyard

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Rookie passerby might as well put a thought out there.

I realize this is a hard core game.  I realize there is no easy mode, there is no way to replace enemy guns with flowers, and that there is no cure for cancer.

All the same, when I die, sometimes I find myself sitting in a graveyard -miles- away from my tent, the city I was working in, or any of my friends.  I attempt to make trips back unarmed and semi-patched up, but fifty percent of the time I will be killed on that journey.  Again, I understand this is a byproduct of the hardcore, but it has gotten to a point where I will leap onto the first hostile's handgun in hopes that I will replicate at a graveyard closer to my usual turf.

Perhaps a system could be put into place that sends you to the closest graveyard, or lets you choose one?  Or even just an option to replicate at your tent?

I'm not 100% sure I can come up with a good solution; I'm a game player and a freelance writer, not a designer.  Balance is not necessarily my forte.  But putting the idea out there is a step towards identifying the issue, right?

Dylan Fraser:
There are, at towns hotel rooms.  It costs 100 caps per week (real-time).  However, there are only something like five rooms, so 99% of the time all of the rooms are occupied and you won't be able to rent one.  My rule of thumb is; If i spawn at Klamath, it's suicide for me.

Mr Feltzer:
Heh, I Wish we Could Bloody Choose were we Spawn, Personally I HATE The Current Respawn System..

Except Everyone this "Game is Tough, Deal wid it" ITS TOUGH ENOUGH ALREADY!!! Without having to spawn on the Other side of the World And spending 20 Minutes travelling up. If you Kill yourself theres a high chance of you spawning there again. its rediculous.

This would only make greifing easier for bombers.


--- Quote from: Michaelh139 on June 21, 2010, 07:55:32 am ---This would only make greifing easier for bombers.

--- End quote ---

Then nerf the bombers, thats far easier than forcing people to spawn miles away.
Besides, bombers already have an insane replication timer.
The real problem is with PvP. eg: There is a fight near NCR, player dies. Simply spawns near NCR.
Quickly regears and returns to the fight. True this lengtens the fight. but it's unfair.


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