Idea A:When there is something happening to you, scroll text above your head will let you know whats going on.
- when you score critical hit the dmg indicator above you targets head will use bold or bigger font or both
- when you score crippling hit you will see it above your target (same as dmg indicator, different color)
- same with all other negative effects such as radiation, poison, getting robed (when robber fail you could get indicator above your head)
- same for karma/reputation + or - and exp gains
I'm lazy to use ingame screens so lets say the bunny is our target:
Regular - 4 (\ /)
Crit - 4 (\ /)
Crippling crippled left ear (\ /)
Everything else**someone tried to rob you**+50 reputation with Disneyland radiated poisoned +350 exp (\ /)
Idea B:When the explosives goes kaboom whole screen starts to shake and combined with the audio its the powerful feature. My idea is to use such effects more often on various actions. Or maybe in general use more different effect so we can know whats going on even without the chat/combat log.
- when you get blinded, the whole screen will flash in white (maybe limit your FOV so when you will move your screen in 100+ hexes radius away from your char, everything will be covered in black until you come closer to it etc...)
- when you get hit, screen will flash in red in direction where the shot came from
Its obviously not a priority since its all about effects (that could be hard to implement) but even tho I still think such things should be there once beta is over.
PS: I really hope that bunny will be displayed correctly for everyone
