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Author Topic: Special hit outcome as overhead text  (Read 1581 times)

Special hit outcome as overhead text
« on: June 19, 2010, 04:26:29 am »

 I do love the ability to show dmg done overhead - awesome feature.

What i would suggest would be of great use to snipers/cripplers. Any injury to the eyes/limbs should show up as an overhead text with a decent delay, so that you will know when you have blinded/crippled the target.
Also weapon drop should show as text, this is because sometimes the action is so fast and furious and the animation can't keep up - weapon still shows as being held. I even shot someone, he dropped his weapon and .0005 seconds later he released another burst from the weapon he just dropped (was a miss, tho).
Right now as a sniper i cannot tell if i crippled during the pvp-action, as i do not have the time to check the writings, and only have time to check the log after (when one of us is dead).

Other things that could be shown in overhead text : Heals ( +xx HP, Right Arm Healed, etc) and/or drug gains/losses (+3AP, +1AG or -1ST from addict)

This feature could also be linked to Awarness, imho.

Whaddaya think?


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I don't like it because
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2010, 12:56:57 pm »

I don't like it. Awareness is already providing enough information. If you want that, and get indulged, somebody else, like me that is, might ask for weapon and armor deterioration info also. Strictly speaking a fact of type of cripple is visible only in action of an arm or a leg and on visible face for eyes - so undetectable for combat armor or cloaked robes. Damage floaters are good enough already and you need to set their time of visibility. Seems like you play real-time, and real-time is already quite disadvategous for far too many players.


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Re: Special hit outcome as overhead text
« Reply #2 on: June 19, 2010, 02:13:05 pm »

i like this, would give even more reason to take awareness, however, i'd rework the idea, for example, if there's no awareness and you scroll on top of a guy, it could say crippled (with awareness it would show what limbs, since this is implemented in the oversight through textbox), if the guy is an addict it would show that he's an addict without awareness on the scrollover (with awareness it would show whether it is jet and/or something else), and of course, weapon dropped would be sweet to see in context with the floating damage.
Logged Over, Boyo II&b=Shoot 150 people as they are running away from you... In the arse&c=56&d=150&e=1703&f=1
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