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FOnline:2238 Forum
General Game Discussion
To the player of Athi
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Topic: To the player of Athi (Read 1354 times)
To the player of Athi
July 23, 2010, 07:41:38 pm »
Thank you for spending your time helping me....and I realize now us that entering that cave might have been better AFTER making my new tent
Sorry you died too. I dont understand why we were in Realtime either? Just getting to a safe town took HOURS I kept dying on random encounters...and I guess that when you die you can't find your corpse here?
Well anyway, thank you for helpng me...I will try to pay you back any equiptment you lost...send me a PM and let me know how much. I haven't been able to mine any since I lost that hammer too. I will shovel shit to pay you back the caps. I swear this reminds me of the first days of Ultima Online....painful with the PK's (died 25 times) ...and i was exploded too..twice
Thats it...ill try to get your stuff back. Im not even trying to build up and I know now all i need to carry is a shovel. And just in case anyone thinks i'm whining...im not. My character was only 1 hour old when all of this happened and im just trying to compensate the guy. Take care all.
Last Edit: July 25, 2010, 04:16:12 pm by shentaoba
"The eternal Tao is many paths to the same goal...."
~The player of Shih L'ung
Re: To the player of Athi
Reply #1 on:
July 24, 2010, 09:55:36 am »
Shih! Don't worry about the stuff I lost. I can get myself back to my feet relatively quickly.
IE. When I started helping you out I had gathered the stuff I had in about 30 minutes. It's just a shame that the hides were lost in all that chaos so your starting gear was doomed.
I got to admit I did not know it was going to be a Real Time fight so I got trigger happy and shot those cavemen. In a way I owe you all your stuff once again.
And yes! Shoveling shit goes a long way indeed, it's good you figured out the most productive trade of the game.
If I bump in to you in the wastelands again, I'll help you get some hides again.
Re: To the player of Athi
Reply #2 on:
July 24, 2010, 02:05:42 pm »
imho shoveling is not worth the time you spend at it, just go mine some normal minerals/ore and craft some .44 ammunitions, then you can exchange them at NCR with the vendor staying outside (not the dwarf into the tent), which often has 100+ brahmin hides
Re: To the player of Athi
Reply #3 on:
July 24, 2010, 04:24:27 pm »
Thank you both for the suggestions...I aprreciate the help..I died trying trying to get to NCR from Junktown...lost a nights work...addictive
"The eternal Tao is many paths to the same goal...."
~The player of Shih L'ung
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FOnline:2238 Forum
General Game Discussion
To the player of Athi