Other > Suggestions
Grenade Topic
I think Izual's idea about 7-8 APs and dmg boost seems to be reasonable, but what about knockdown in frag granade? Should it stay? or due to dmg boost, should it be removed?
--- Quote from: Avant on June 25, 2010, 12:12:21 pm ---I think Izual's idea about 7-8 APs and dmg boost seems to be reasonable, but what about knockdown in frag granade? Should it stay? or due to dmg boost, should it be removed?
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Irrelevant once you don't throw in strings. Besides, the dmg boost would mean you'd be probably dead before the second one flies. And knockdown would look good on such a weapon.
grenades should have knockback instead, use to scatter people
Admiral Zombie:
--- Quote from: Izual on June 21, 2010, 06:45:01 pm ---I guess good damage boost and 7-8 AP needed to throw one grenade will make the things more balanced.
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Comparing grenades to other weapons (rocket launcher)
Rocket Launcher
7AP, 35-100 damage, 40 range, must reload
Always keep that in mind. Grenades have the advantage of not needing to reload, but at the very best you have 15range. A reduction of 25 range is hardly worth the lack of reloading.
But really: Do we need another weapon with the exact same role as rocket launchers? I keep hearing people complain about grenades being overpowered but i wonder how much of a bandwagon fear this has become. I've had 2 friends complain to me about how overpowered grenade builds are: Only to find out they've never actually fought against, or fought as a grenadier. Simply the idea of "2ap grenades" scares them, but forget various factors, such as 15m range.
If grenades really are overpowered its simply because it has the ability to keep people on the ground more easily than other weapons. If there is to be a nerf, then simply remove fast shot's effect on them, and boost the damage of grenades enough that the DPS stays the same. Don't turn it into a near copy of rockets though, theres a lack of variety of builds as it is now...
There should be added weapon like in Fallout Tactics : M79 grenade launcher or RPG - 7.
That would be new explosive weapon and one more smallgun more experienced in PvP
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